The Case of Pierre Pierre briefly discusses confidentiality at the first group session, saying “Anything that happens here, stays here.” He tells members that it is not necessary to go into detail in...

The Case of Pierre

Pierre briefly discusses confidentiality at the first group session, saying “Anything that happens here, stays here.” He tells members that it is not necessary to go into detail in talking about confidentiality “because everyone in here already knows that confidentiality is a given.” Pierre does not let members know that confidentiality cannot be guaranteed in his group, nor does he inform them of the limitations of confidentiality in a group setting. Pierre does not invite members to raise questions they might have about confidentiality because he is anxious for his group to start working.

• How do you evaluate the ethical appropriateness of Pierre’s approach to discussing confidentiality in his group?

• What specific aspects of confidentiality would you most want to inform group members about?

• What potential problems, if any, do you see in the way Pierre explained confidentiality to group members?

• Given that confidentiality cannot be guaranteed in a group, what guidelines could you set as a group leader to help assure confidentiality?

Commentary. We think Pierre is guilty of oversimplification in stating that confidentiality is a given and that members are familiar with its importance. Members may be mistaken in their assumption that confidentiality can be guaranteed in a group setting. It would be wise for Pierre to encourage members to raise any concerns they have about confidentiality at any point during the course of the group. In discussing the importance of confidentiality in the group, Pierre could point out how confidentiality can be violated in subtle ways and how confidences are often divulged without malice. Most people do not maliciously attempt to hurt others by talking with people outside the group about specific members. However, it is tempting for members to share their experiences with other people, and in so doing they sometimes make inappropriate disclosures. Because of this tendency to want to share with outsiders, we caution participants about how easily and unintentionally the confidentiality of the group can be compromised. We tell members that they are less likely to break confidentiality if they talk only about their own personal insights

May 05, 2022

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