The Case of Naomi The White family (consisting of wife, husband, four children, and the wife’s parents) has been involved in family therapy for several months. During one of the sessions, Naomi (the...

The Case of Naomi

The White family (consisting of wife, husband, four children, and the wife’s parents) has been involved in family therapy for several months. During one of the sessions, Naomi (the wife) expresses the desire to return to her career as an athletic coach. This wish causes tremendous resistance on the part of every member of her family. Her husband says that he wants her to continue to be involved in his professional life and that, although he admires her ambitions, he simply feels that it would put too much strain on the entire family if they were both to work outside of the home. Naomi’s parents are shocked by their daughter’s desire, viewing it as selfish, and they urge her to put the family’s welfare first. The children express their desires for a full-time mother. Naomi feels great pressure from all sides, yet she seems committed to following through with her professional plans. She is aware of the sacrifices that would be associated with her going back to work, but she is asking for everyone in the family to make adjustments so she can fulfill her professional dreams. She is convinced that her plans would not be detrimental to the family’s welfare. The therapist shows an obvious bias by giving no attention or support to Naomi’s desires and by not asking the family to consider making any basic adjustments.

• Do you think this therapist is guilty of furthering gender-role stereotypes?

• Do his interventions show an interest in the well-being of the entire family?

• What are other potential ethical issues in this case?

• Being aware of your own bias regarding gender roles, how would you work with this family?

• Should the therapist’s goal be to help everyone in the family be content with a particular decision or to help them navigate the decision-making process without focusing on a set outcome?

• Assume that the therapist had an obvious bias in favor of Naomi’s plans and advised the family to learn to accept her decision. Do you see any potential ethical issues in this approach? Do you think a therapist can remain neutral in this kind of case? Explain your stance.

Commentary. This therapist’s values are influencing identification and exploration of the family’s problems. This case illustrates how critical it is that therapists understand their personal beliefs and values and guard against imposing them in work with clients. The lack of support for Naomi’s aspirations should be a key focus for exploration in therapy for this family. Yet Naomi is without support from her therapist, just as she is without support from her husband, children, and parents. The therapist is not listening to Naomi’s concerns. Instead, he is colluding with the family by subtly discouraging her from following through with her plans. Couples fall into habits regarding roles and responsibilities, so it may be useful to ask how their roles were negotiated and whether they want to reevaluate their roles as their responsibilities have shifted. It is not uncommon for one partner to feel resentful about his or her duties while the other person may feel that the status quo is acceptable. It is possible to question the couple without pushing an agenda. The goal of the inquiry should be to help the couple achieve greater insight about their situation rather than to reach a specific outcome influenced by the therapist’s values.

May 05, 2022

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