The Case of Lupe Lupe is a social worker in a community mental health agency that is sponsoring workshops aimed at preventing the spread of HIV. The agency has attempted to involve the local churches...

The Case of Lupe

Lupe is a social worker in a community mental health agency that is sponsoring workshops aimed at preventing the spread of HIV. The agency has attempted to involve the local churches in these workshops. One church withdrew its support because the workshops encouraged “safer” sexual practices, including the use of condoms, as a way of preventing HIV. A church official contended that the use of condoms is contrary to church teachings. Being a member of this church, Lupe finds herself struggling with value conflicts. She believes the teachings of her church and thinks the official had a right to withdraw his support of these workshops. But she also is aware that many people in the community she serves are at high risk for contracting HIV because of both drug use and sexual practices. In an attempt to resolve this value conflict, Lupe seeks out several of her colleagues, each of whom provides some advice.

Colleague A: I hope you tell your clients and others in the community that you have value conflicts between agency practice and your religious beliefs and, for that reason, you are voluntarily resigning from the agency.

Colleague B: Be up front with the people you come in contact with by telling them of your values and providing them with adequate referrals so they can get information about prevention of this disease. You do owe it to them not to steer them in the direction you think they should move.

Colleague C: It is best that you not disclose your values or let clients know that you agree with the church’s views. Instead, focus on the underlying causes of their behaviors and work toward helping clients become more aware of how they are engaging in self-destructive behaviors. If Lupe were to seek you out and ask for your advice, consider what you would say to her. In formulating your position, answer these questions:

• Which of her colleagues comes closest to your thinking, and why?

• With which colleague do you find yourself disagreeing the most, and why?

• Would it be ethical for Lupe not to disclose her values to her clients? Why or why not?

• What are the potential consequences if Lupe imposes her moral beliefs on the population she is serving? Is it her ethical and moral duty to the community to develop a program aimed at prevention of HIV? Explain.

Commentary. This case highlights a conflict between the social worker’s personal values and her agency’s requirements in a community context. Lupe should identify any conflicts between her ethical duty to avoid harm and promote her clients’ best interests and the church’s teachings, and then abide by the ethical mandate. We would remind Lupe that just as in individual counseling, she is committed to working for the best interests of her client, in this case, the community as a whole. Lupe’s failure to provide necessary information to members of the community puts the community at risk of harm. Because the teachings of the church prevent such a partnership, Lupe may need to enlist other community groups in her efforts to provide outreach regarding methods of safer sex. Even though Lupe’s values are congruent with the church’s position, ethically she cannot replace community values with her personal values. Johnson, Barnett, Elman, Forrest, and Kaslow (2012) have encouraged the profession to modify and amplify the principle of beneficience to incorporate qualities of caring and compassion. This case illustrates the need for practitioners to demonstrate care and compassion in their work in the community.

May 21, 2022

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