The Case of Emily and Lois Emily and Lois, a same-sex couple, were married and now find themselves scorned and discriminated against by their neighbors. In addition, Emily had a child through in vitro...

The Case of Emily and Lois

Emily and Lois, a same-sex couple, were married and now find themselves scorned and discriminated against by their neighbors. In addition, Emily had a child through in vitro fertilization, and Emily’s parents have filed a petition in court to obtain custody of the child. The parents believe that the two women are unfit to raise a child because of their sexual/affectional orientation. Emily and Lois recognize that they need a support system that works for them, and they hope a counselor can help them sort out what is best for their family.

Counselor A. This counselor says that she cannot even imagine what it must be like for them to have to face the reactions of the neighbors and of Emily’s parents on a daily basis. She indicates that she will make every effort to support and assist them in working through their situation.

• What are your reactions to this counselor’s approach?

• Do you think the support the counselor is offering is enough in this case?

Counselor B. This counselor lets Emily and Lois know that they must have seen the problems inherent in returning home to a community that has a very strong antigay bias. He informs them that the best approach to the problem is to relocate to a more liberal community, at least for the sake of the child.

• What, if any, ethical issues do you see in this response? Is this counselor imposing his values?

• What interventions made by the counselor do you agree with? What are your areas of disagreement?

• What do the counselor’s interventions suggest about how he is defining the problem?

Counselor C. This counselor feels a bit overwhelmed, especially in trying to define the problem. Is it a marriage problem? A problem pertaining to their sexual orientation? A community problem? A problem of oppression and discrimination?

• What are your reactions as you read the counselor’s questions?

• Is the counselor feeling overwhelmed a sign that he is incompetent or a sign of his lack of skill or ability to wrestle with complexity?

• If you felt overwhelmed with this situation, how would you handle it?

Commentary. This case demonstrates the necessity for counselors to be prepared to deal with complex situations. Counselors should establish relationships for consultation in advance and know what resources are available to them. Counselor A’s approach involves expressing empathy, validation, and support. Counselor B’s advice places the burden of change on the clients rather than exploring what it feels like to be the victims of discrimination. Counselor C is wrestling with some very important questions and can discuss them with the clients to help them formulate an appropriate treatment plan. In counseling this couple, we would begin by recognizing the complexity of the case and showing our support for the difficulty Emily and Lois are facing. We may choose to explore how the couple has navigated similar situations in the past. We would ask their permission to consult with legal, ethical, and clinical experts so that we could better assist them. We would probably ask Emily and Lois’s thoughts on having a family session with the extended family of each of them. If Emily and Lois expressed an interest in family therapy, we would make an appropriate referral.

May 05, 2022

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