The Case of Chun Hei Chun Hei, a counseling psychology student, is attending graduate school in the United States to become a psychologist. Her family in Korea is proud of her for being accepted as a...

The Case of Chun Hei

Chun Hei, a counseling psychology student, is attending graduate school in the United States to become a psychologist. Her family in Korea is proud of her for being accepted as a doctoral candidate at a prestigious American university. Being in a competitive educational environment, Chun Hei feels much pressure to do well in her program. Chun Hei’s recent interactions with her clinical supervisor have increased her feelings of anxiety. For the past few weeks, Chun Hei’s supervisor, an older male faculty member who is supervising her practicum, has been making sexually inappropriate comments to her. Chun Hei has been taught to respect authority, which has left her feeling confused about how to handle her supervisor’s comments. At first Chun Hei appreciated the attention she was receiving. She thought her supervisor liked her and was pleased with the progress she was making in developing her clinical skills. Because she comes from a different culture, Chun Hei wonders if she may be misinterpreting her supervisor’s behavior. However, as her supervisor’s comments became more overt and sexually explicit, she became very uncomfortable. Chun Hei wonders what her options are for dealing with this situation. She is afraid of jeopardizing her status as a graduate student in the program, and yet she is becoming aware that her supervisor is being inappropriate and is crossing some ethical boundaries.

• If you were in Chun Hei’s position, how would you handle this situation?

• What might the consequences be if Chun Hei decides to report being sexually harassed by her supervisor?

• If Chun Hei decides to take no action at all, what consequences might result from her decision?

• If you were enrolled in the same practicum as Chun Hei and witnessed the supervisor making sexually inappropriate comments to her, what would you be inclined to do? As a bystander and a peer, what are your ethical responsibilities?

Commentary. Without question, this doctoral student is faced with a difficult decision. Chun Hei is forced to deal with the pain of being betrayed by someone she should be able to trust and respect. She is in training to learn how to create a safe space for clients’ personal selfexplorations, and the person who is supposed to be her mentor and role model is teaching her through his actions that he cannot be trusted. Chun Hei is left confused and disenchanted as a result of the unethical behavior of her supervisor. Our concern is that out of fear of retribution Chun Hei may be inclined to tolerate this abusive behavior and say nothing about being sexually harassed. Once again, the power differential between supervisor and supervisee is a critical factor. Our hope is that Chun Hei will reach out to people she considers safe and with whom she has established a trusting relationship. It is important that Chun Hei feel empowered to reach a decision about how to respond without feeling pressured. If Chun Hei decides to report her supervisor, with help, she can devise a plan for reporting him and for dealing with the potential repercussions she fears.

May 20, 2022

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