* This isn’t a graded question I’m just studying & need help* * This is not a geography question i know it has a map but this is a history question* What river flows south in the northwestern part of India? (b) Name two regions it crosses.
Extracted text: THE BRITISH IN INDIA, 1767-1858 KASHMIR British controlled in 1767 British controlled in 1805 British controlled in 1858 Area of Sepoy Mutiny PUNJAB Delhi Indus RAJPUTANA NORTHWEST PROVINCES SIND River BIHAR ASSAM BENGAL Calcutta, Narmada River BERAR 20 N Godavari River Bombay ARAKAN HYDERABAD Arabian Bay of Bengal Sea Goa (Portugal) 250 500 Miles MYSORE Andaman Islands Madras 250 500 Kilometers Albers equal-area projection Pondicherry (France) 10 N- CEYLON (SRI LANKA) 3.04
Extracted text: During the Age of Imperialism, the nations of Asia felt the impact of European expansion. In the early 1800s, the East India Company practiced commercial colonialism in India. The company controlled India's foreign trade and kept rulers friendly to it in power. To do so, the East India Company built its own army of sepoys, or Indian soldiers. economic privileges in its sphere. Although the Manchu leaders adopted a policy known as “self- strengthening," which tried to modernize China while retaining Confucian traditions, they met with little success. Japan also had increased contact with foreign- ers in the 1800s. From the mid-1600s to the mid- 1800s Japan had followed a policy of isolation, or separation from foreign influence. After Matthew C. Perry opened the country to trade, Japan was forced to make concessions to foreign powèrs. During the Meiji period, however, Japan set out on an ambitious course of modernization. The During the same period, foreigners pressured China to end restrictions on trade. The Treaty of Nanking, at the end of the Opium War, was the first of the unequal treaties forced upon China by Europeans. The treaty gave the British the right of extraterritoriality, or protection by the laws of their nation rather than those of China. Internal weakness and disorder gave foreign powers a chance to carve out spheres of influence later in the century. Each European power had special Meiji, or enlightened government, encouraged wealthy families known as zaibatsu to buy the country's chief industries. By 1900, Japan was reaping the fruits of industrialization by negotiat- ing more favorable treaties with foreigners.