The bioethics of medical intervention, specifically vaccination, is fraught with differences in perspectives, frequently between the good of an individual versus the good of a group or society. The...

The bioethics of medical intervention, specifically vaccination, is fraught with differences in perspectives, frequently between the good of an individual versus the good of a group or society. The ethical standards governing policy decisions involving vaccine research have evolved over the past several decades but are mainly based on three ethical principles. In the first part of your answer, discuss the ethical principles that apply to the following two scenarios: -- Employers requiring influenza vaccination of employees. -- Schools requiring student immunizations before enrollment. In the second portion of your answer, please state two common reasons cited by the anti-vaccination movement. Choose one reason that has a justified rationale and a second with unfounded rationale. State the reason and rationale and why the opposition is or is not based on facts. Finally, provide some insight into how you would rationally discuss vaccination with someone blindly opposed and with someone who is blindly supportive of vaccination. (Powerpoint is the lecture slide you can use, word document is the anti- and pro-vaccine movement that you can use for second portion of the assignment)

Oct 07, 2019

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