P a g e 1 | 2 INFS 5116 – DATA VISUALISATION Visualisation Project Report (SP5 2019) Due 1 December by 11pm General instructions: • This assignment is worth 50% of your final grade and it is due no...

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the assignment related to the order 44975.you should present a range of visualisations of different types that show features of your data from multiple perspectives as well as address elementary, intermediate and overall level questions of interest.
every thing is there in assignment.pdf fileyou have to select new data source not same one for order id 44975.dashboard has to be included and explanation of everything .

P a g e 1 | 2 INFS 5116 – DATA VISUALISATION Visualisation Project Report (SP5 2019) Due 1 December by 11pm General instructions: • This assignment is worth 50% of your final grade and it is due no later than 11pm on Sunday 1 December. • You will need to submit your assignment via learnonline. • The submitted assignment needs to be a single file in pdf file format. • This assignment will be marked out of 50. Assessment task General guidelines: • Your final submission should be in a report format. There is no word limit but you should aim for at least 10 but no more than 20 pages excluding any appendices. • There is no minimum number of visualisations as such but you should present a range of visualisations of different types that show features of your data from multiple perspectives as well as address elementary, intermediate and overall level questions of interest. • You should aim to use a range of tools to produce your visualisations. In particular, some of the graphics in your final report should be produced using R. • Your report will be assessed not only on the quality and the design of your visualisations but also on your discussion of insights and conclusions that can be drawn from your visualisations. P a g e 2 | 2 Suggested format for your Visualisation Project Report is as follows: Title page Dashboard (5 marks) Design and include here a ‘dashboard’ that provides a visual summary of your key findings. Ensure your dashboard follows the guidelines discussed in this course! 1. Introduction (5 marks) Describe is some detail the context for the project and the key question(s) you aim to address using visualisations. 2. Data Sources (5 marks) Describe the data source(s) that you are using in your visualisation project. Note: Some of the content in this section can be repeated from your project plan. Also indicate which tools will be used to create your visualisations. 3. Visualisation Results (28 marks) Present and discuss your visualisations here. You can rename this section if you wish and divide it into subsections as you see fit. Aim to tell a story with your graphics and focus on the context of the data you are using for this project. 4. Conclusions (5 marks) Include your overall conclusions here. 5. References (2 marks) Provide a list of all references that you have cited in the project. Appendix (optional) Here you can provide additional information about your data sources, e.g. variable definitions, as well as code, examples of story boards or any other technical and non-technical information you think is useful to include in support of the work presented in the main body of the report.
Answered Same DayNov 21, 2021

Answer To: P a g e 1 | 2 INFS 5116 – DATA VISUALISATION Visualisation Project Report (SP5 2019) Due 1 December...

Pritam answered on Nov 28 2021
141 Votes
Visualization Results
Visualization Results
29 November 2019
The main objective of this entire project is to demonstrate how simple visualization could be extensively used to find some informative insights and how it can provide a wide range of data-driven depths that could answer some important questions regarding real-life issues. Facts from Economics and World health-related topics are the most trending across any time frame or any typical socio-economic situation. S
o, this project will try to stride towards answering some questions with constant effort and with the help of visualization only to show the strength of a proper plot that could have some serious impact on these real-life issues. Different kinds of attributes and a wide range of curves and visualization techniques have been covered in this project and some of them are scatterplots, time series related plots, ridge plots, histograms, etc. The key question of this context is thus the following:
The world is assumed to be divided into two halves namely the developed or in other words, rich countries like western countries and the other half as developing countries like Africa, Asia, etc. So, the question arises here is that specification correct to assume?
Another critical and alarming question is whether the income distribution or the skewness of the income distribution has become worse.
Data Source:
The data has been extracted from one of the libraries called “dslabs” in R itself. The “gapminder” dataset is very popular from the socio-economic perspective and the data is mainly regarding the income and health-related outcomes and attributes comprised of the information from the year 1960 to 2016. Some of the attributes in the year of 2016 have missing values and hence mainly the data contains information up to the year 2015. The data set is stored as a data frame format and it is comprised of 10545 observations across 9 different variables or attributes. The variables are country, year, infant mortality or more specifically infant deaths per thousand, life expectancy measured in years, fertility or an average number of children possessed by a woman, the population of the country, the corresponding GDP according to the data of World Bankdev, the continent, region from the geographic perspective.
Visualization Results:
Basically, the data was dedicated to the public fora better understanding about the truth of different socio-economic facts. The coverage of different issues and news are generally falsified to a greater extent by the media and hence the cofounder of an organization named Hans Rosling decided to come forward with the truth with the proof of these facts through visualization technique on the public data. A glimpse of a random 10 observations of the data is shown below.
## country year infant_mortality life_expectancy fertility
## 100 Luxembourg 1960 33.0 68.99 2.35
## 101 Macao, China 1960 NA 64.93 4.95
## 102 Macedonia, FYR 1960 120.0 60.85 3.72
## 103 Madagascar 1960 112.0 41.96 7.30
## 104 Malawi 1960 218.2 38.51 6.91
## 105 Malaysia 1960 67.4 59.89 6.19
## 106 Maldives 1960 NA 38.07 7.02
## 107 Mali 1960 237.4 29.61 6.70
## 108 Malta 1960 36.4 68.32 3.53
## 109 Mauritania 1960 135.0 43.91 6.78
## 110 Mauritius 1960 67.8 58.74 6.17
## population gdp continent region
## 100 314586 4302303281 Europe Western Europe
## 101 171456 NA Asia Eastern Asia
## 102 1488664 NA Europe Southern Europe
## 103 5099371 2087989940 Africa Eastern Africa
## 104 3618604 347712093 Africa Eastern Africa
## 105 8160975 6631037036 Asia South-Eastern Asia
## 106 89875 NA Asia Southern Asia
## 107 5263730 NA Africa Western Africa
## 108 312788 NA Europe Southern Europe
## 109 858170 319353267 Africa Western Africa
## 110 660023 NA Africa Eastern Africa
The first attempt to visualize the fact of life expectancy rate with the increasing fertility rate. We start our analysis for the corresponding variables 30 years ago for the year 1985.
So, to compare this previous result with that of 2015, we can use the facet method in ggplot. The plot is thus given below:
The decreasing nature of life expectancy against the fertility rate can be seen to be stable a little bit over the years and the decreasing trend has been improved further. The fact that is evident from here is the shift of the clusters of the developing world to the western world. The matter is vivid in the case of...

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