The assignment is 2000 words report to client (UTS) including photos, graphs and charts for a sustainable retrofit (short, medium, long term) at building 15.

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The assignment is 2000 words report to client (UTS) including photos, graphs and charts for a sustainable retrofit (short, medium, long term) at building 15.
Answered Same DayApr 07, 2021

Answer To: The assignment is 2000 words report to client (UTS) including photos, graphs and charts for a...

Ishwar answered on Apr 21 2021
144 Votes
Sustainable retrofit for an existing building
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Table of Contents
Sustainable retrofit for an existing building    1
Introduction:    2
Key factors affecting for sustainable urban development:    2
Options for sustainable retrofit for the existing building:    4
Use retrofit insulation:    5
Sustainability and Energy-Efficiency Strategies:    6
Conclusion:    8
References    9
The retrofitting is defined as the renovation, retrofit and refurbishment of the exist
ing or old building which provide opportunity to upgrade the energy performance of the current structure of building. The retrofitting procedure also involves the modification of existing commercial building that can improve the source of energy, efficiency of energy and reduce demand of energy. Additionally, the retrofits are providing opportunity to install distributed generation to the building source El-Sayed, A. The energy efficiency retrofits can reduce total cost of production, especially older building and helps to attracts renter and obtain advantage in leading market in area of construction. The article discuss about the “options for sustainable retrofit for existing building” and key area affecting for sustainable urban development”.
Key factors affecting for sustainable urban development:
a. Rapid urbanization and population growth :
In 2010, more than 60% of world suffering by human population and increasing demand in each area. As considering population growth, the resources in each area might be short fall and this may be major issues for next generation.
b. Megacities attraction:
The urbanization may increase the size of city and expand in number of different location. That may shortly remove natural element such as trees, animal and that may invite the greenhouse effect. The urbanization is beneficial for country development but there are many consequences that needs to bear for upcoming generation. For example, a shortage of daily and necessary element such as pure air, water, fresh vegetables etc. Due to population increases and more attraction toward urbanization, the sustainable program, planning and development may not achieve desirable objectives.
c. Shortage of basic requirement :
As more influence towards the urbanization, mainly Asian countries may not able to provide basic requirement to each person to survive life. According to source and past research indicate that less than half of the city population is covered through source of pure water supply. Numbers of cities may not have sufficient source, planning and knowledge for solid waste management Mazzarolo, E. (2013).
Environment degradation:
As the increasing population, especially in the slum location, the environmental and health issues occur due to polluted air, water and food elements. In addition to mitigate the air, water and noise pollution, the waste control management and consumption of non-renewable resource have invite serious issues.
Sustainable urban growth:
The developed countries are more interested towards the economic growth and economic activities. They are more focus towards the excellence for the education, cultural and technology innovation, entrepreneurship, communication with other state, region and countries. The urbanization needs to improve quality of life in order to maintain and protect environment by considering sustainable approach Lu, Y. (2017).
Maintain supply and demand gap for the infrastructure services:
As considering current source and research about the requirement of building construction, it was increasing drastically and capital investment for the building development decreases day by day. According to recent conservative estimate guides about $300 million per year require for infrastructure investment and needs to assist urban growth for upcoming 30 years.
Options for sustainable retrofit for the existing building:
The retrofitting in the existing building can more cost effective compare to development of new building. As the new building development consume more amount of energy and the existing building contains the largest area of building environment. The building development consist heating and cooling of large built area, therefore it is important to have initial energy conservation retrofits in order to reduce energy consumption and cost effective for heating, cooling and lighting of building. But the energy conservation is not only issue and reason for building renovation. The retrofit motive is to develop high performance building through applying integrated building process. In retrofit construction project, at the planning stage considering key aspect of design and construction in order to develop sustainable building.
For example, the project team may have considered the single designing procedure which may meet with the various design objectives. By considering that the...

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