The Assessment TaskAfter the internship in an organisation, you have been asked to submit areport covering the below aspects to evaluate the training you have received.This should be prepared as a...

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The Assessment Task

After the internship in an organisation, you have been asked to submit a
report covering the below aspects to evaluate the training you have received.
This should be prepared as a business report to be presented to a panel of
managers who will be evaluating you.

1. Introduction to data analysis.

2. Examine the different types of data used in the organisation.

3. Critically analyse the trends that can be identified using different
data (Provide examples from the organisation)?

4. Evaluate the importance of data analysis in the competitive environment
and reflect on how you would use this data to make organisational decisions
(Provide examples from the industry which the organisation belongs to)

Learners are expected to use books, articles, newspapers, magazines and
various other literature sources in supporting the facts in this report.


word limit
for this assignment is 1,500 (+10%) words.

Learning Outcomes

successful completion of this assessment,
you will be able to:

Learning Outcomes

a) Coherently collate, critically analyse and
evaluate a range of business data relating to the organization

and identify different business trends

b) Identify and evaluate the importance of data
analysis in highly competitive environments and recommend innovative and
entrepreneurial solutions.

Change Maker & Employability Skills

f). Organise, manage and demonstrate the demands
of self - learning, reflective learning and display self - awareness and
confidence in handling large volume of data to make organisational decisions

Your grade will depend on the extent
to which you meet these learning outcomes in the way relevant for this assessment.

see the grading rubric on NILE for further details of the criteria against
which you will be assessed.


support sessions for this assessment will be provided by your tutor and
notified through NILE. You can also access individual support and guidance for
your assessments from Library and Learning Services. Visit the

Skills Hub

access this support and to discover the online support also available for assessments
and academic skills.

Integrity and Misconduct

Unless this is a group assessment,
the work you produce must be your own, with work taken from any
other source properly referenced and attributed. For the avoidance of doubt
this means that it is an infringement of academic integrity and, therefore,
academic misconduct to ask someone else to carry out all or some of the work
for you, whether paid or unpaid, or to use the work of another student whether
current or previously submitted.

For further guidance on
constitutes plagiarism
, contract cheating or collusion, or any other
infringement of academic integrity, please read the University’s

Integrity and Misconduct Policy.

Also useful resources to help with
understanding academic integrity are available from



N.B. The penalties
for academic misconduct are severe and can include failing the assessment,
failing the module and expulsion from the university.


To submit your work,
please go to the ‘Submit your work’ area on the NILE site and use the relevant
submission point to upload your report. The deadline for this is 11.59pm (UK
local time) on the date of submission. Please note that essays and text based reports
should be submitted as word documents and not PDFs or Mac files.

Written work submitted to TURNITIN
will be subject to anti-plagiarism detection software. Turnitin checks student work for possible
textual matches against internet available resources and its own proprietary
database. Work

When you upload your work correctly
to TURNITIN you will receive a receipt which is your record and proof of
submission. If your assessment is not
submitted to TURNITIN, rather than a receipt, you will see a green banner at
the top of the screen that denotes successful submission.

Work emailed directly to your tutor will not be marked.

submission of work

first sits, if an item of assessment is submitted late and an
extension has not been granted, the following will apply:


Within one week of the original deadline –
work will be marked and returned with full feedback, and awarded a maximum bare
pass grade.


More than one week from original deadline –
grade achievable LG (L indicating late).

there are no allowances for work submitted late and it will
be treated as a non-submission.

Please see the

and Feedback Policy

for full information on the
processes related to assessment, grading and feedback, including anonymous

You will also find the generic grading criteria for achievement at

University Grading Criteria

. Also explained there are
the meanings of the various G grades at the bottom of the grading scale
including LG mentioned above.


The University of Northampton’s
general policy with regard to extensions is to be supportive of students who
have genuine difficulties, but not against pressures of work that could have
reasonably been anticipated.

For full details please refer to the


. Extensions are
only available for first sits – they are not available for resits.


For guidance on Mitigating
circumstances please go to


where you will find detailed guidance on
the policy as well as guidance and the form for making an application.

Please note, however, that an
application to defer an assessment on the grounds of mitigating circumstances
should normally be made in advance of the submission deadline or examination

Feedback and

These can be accessed through
clicking on the Feedback and Grades tab on NILE. Feedback will be provided by a
rubric with summary comments.

Learning Outcomes addressed through this



submission / no evidence







submitted is


no academic value / nothing submitted


included or provided but missing in some very

important aspects.


satisfactory quality, demonstrating evidence of achieving the requirements of

the learning outcomes.


sound quality, demonstrative which is sufficient and appropriate to the task

or activity.


high quality, demonstrating evidence which is rigorous and convincing,

appropriate to the task or activity.


very high quality, demonstrating evidence which is strong, robust and consistent, appropriate to the task or


Successfully apply a

variety of academic theories relevant to the study


did not apply a sufficient variety of academic theories relevant to study.


academic theories relevant to study have been used.

However, the theory application is highly descriptive and



a variety of academic theories relevant to study.


theories are described rather than applied.

pplied a variety of academic theories

relevant to study.

Good application


theories and models within the different


pplied a variety of academic theories

relevant to study.

Excellent application


appropriate theories and models within the different


Coherently collate, critically analyse and evaluate a range

of business data relating to the organization and identify different business



to critically analyse business data using a range of sources to identify

different trends.


use of business data in identifying different trends in the organization. Highly

descriptive and generalised answer and lacks critical analysis.


use of relevant and appropriate business data

in critically


to the organizational trends. A good range of data has been

used in identifying different trends in the organization. Some elements of

generalisation and descriptiveness can be seen.


good use of relevant and appropriate business data

in critically


the organizational trends. A wide range of complex data has

been used and critical analysis has been done.


level of identification and utilisation of relevant and appropriate business data

from a wide range and credible sources. Excellent

level of critical analysis has been in identifying different business trends.

Identify and

evaluate the importance of data analysis in highly competitive environments

and recommend innovative and entrepreneurial solutions.


to identify the importance of data analysis in competitive environment and

fail to recommend entrepreneurial solutions.


identified and evaluated importance of data analysis in competitive

environment and made some general recommendations.


identified and evaluated importance of data analysis in competitive

environment and made some recommendations relevant to the selected



good identification and evaluation of importance of data analysis in

competitive environment. Very good recommendations relevant to the selected

organization and entrepreneurial solutions.


identification and evaluation of importance of data analysis in competitive

environment. Excellent recommendations relevant to the selected organization

and entrepreneurial solutions.


manage and demonstrate the demands of self - learning, reflective learning

and display self - awareness and confidence in handling large volume of data

to make organisational decisions


or no display of self-learning, self-awareness abd reflection of handling

large volume of data in making organizational decisions.


display of self-learning, self-awareness and reflection of handling large

volume of data in making organizational decisions.


display of self-learning, self-awareness and reflection of handling large

volume of data in making organizational decisions.


good display of self-learning, self-awareness and reflection of handling

large volume of data in making organizational decisions.


display of self-learning, self-awareness and reflection of handling large

volume of data in making organizational decisions.

Academic /

Professional quality


command of academic / professional conventions appropriate to the discipline.


citations or the list of references can be seen.


command of academic / professional conventions appropriate to the discipline.


have been added wrong and the list of references are wrong


command of academic / professional conventions appropriate to the discipline.


amount of citations and references can be seen. Attempted to use Harvard

referencing but errors are visible.


command of academic / professional

conventions sufficient and appropriate to the discipline.


amount of citations and references can be seen. Attempted to use Harvard

referencing but minor errors are visible.


command of academic / professional conventions appropriate to the discipline.


amount of citations and references can be seen. Attempted to use Harvard


Authoritative command

of academic / professional conventions appropriate to the discipline.


good amount of citations and references can be seen. Harvard referencing

style has been correctly used.

Answered Same DayOct 28, 2022

Answer To: The Assessment TaskAfter the internship in an organisation, you have been asked to submit areport...

Shubham answered on Oct 29 2022
53 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    2
Data Analysis    2
Different types of data    3
Analysis of trend to identify use of different data    4
Importance of data analysis in competitive environment    4
Conclusion    5
References    6
Data analysis is important because it can help the business in optimizing the perfo
rmance. It includes implementation of the business model that can help in reducing the cost by identifying the efficient way for ensuring enhancement of the business process. It is the efficient way for storing large amounts of data. Data analytics can be used for making better decisions and helps in analyzing customer trends and satisfaction that can lead to better services and products.
Data Analysis
Data analysis is the practice working with the data for getting useful information for making informed decisions. It is important for analysis of large amounts of data and it is considered as an efficient and effective process for harnessing the value of the data. Different organizations and groups have different ways for approaching data analysis. The process includes changing, cleaning and processing the raw data and extracting actionable and relevant information that can help the business in taking informed decisions (Jain et al. 2020). The procedures can help in reducing the risk that is inherent in making decisions by providing useful statistics and insights. It plays a crucial role in processing big data into useful information.
Data analysis has a major role in better customer targeting and it saves time, money and resources of the business. It can help the company focus on advertising efforts. The process can help in tracking campaigns and products that are performing in the target demographics. The data analysis can provide businesses with better ideas for identifying spending habits, areas of interest and disposable income. It helps the business in setting the price and determining the length of the campaign. Data analysis can help in showing the area in the business of making successful decisions based on information.
Informed decisions are important for making successful decisions. Data analysis is required for providing the business with the information and it provides a progressive lead and helps the business in making right choices. Informed decisions require accurate data and data analysis helps the business in acquiring relevant, accurate and suitable information for the development of future marketing strategy and business planning. The process includes collection of data from sources. Sources may include survey, interview, case study and direct observation for ensuring that collected data are organized for analysis. Data cleaning is the process that is used for removing white space, basic errors and duplicate records present in the data. Analysis of data is done with the use of tools for understanding the data and arriving at the conclusion.
Different types of data
Transactional Data
This is the type of data that can help in describing the core of the business. It includes the data of selling and purchasing activities. In the basic organizational operation, the data related to activities of employees can be classified as the transactional data. It is the kind of data that has huge volume in comparison with the other types and data can be stored, maintained...

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