The Annotated Bibliography on (Renal Failure) in this format.
- Citation:
Written in APA reference list format. For more help with formatting, seeAPA handout.
- Summary:
What is the purpose of the source, review article, original research? What topics are covered? This section is generally 4-6 sentences that summarize the author’s main point. For more help, see this link onparaphrasingsources.
- Evaluation:
After summarizing the article (or research paper or book), it is necessary to evaluate it and state where you found it – its source (e.g., journal, website, etc.). Briefly answer the following questions in 4-6 sentences:
What is the format or type of source (e.g., peer-reviewed journal paper, website, book)? How reliable is the information in the article, and how credible is the source (e.g., website’s sponsoring organization, journal or book publisher) and the author(s)?