The aim of this warm-up project is to give you experience using threads, processes, and make. You are asked to evaluate the creation/deletion cost for threads and processes. You also need to...

The aim of this warm-up project is to give you experience using threads, processes, and make. You are asked to evaluate the creation/deletion cost for threads and processes. You also need to measure/compare the performance of a thread-based benchmark program on multi-core machines. You are asked to write five C files: crt . c et . c ep . c mm_thr c etime . c. The file etime . c contains a function et ime () which return the elapsed time since the last call to etime O. The et ime 0 function can be implemented by using gettimeof day 0 and a static local variable. The files crt . c, ep . c, et . c and etime . c are compiled and linked together to build the executable file pert. Then, create tcrt which is a hard link to pert. If a user runs pert, the main() function in crt. c checks argv [0] and then calls the function ep() in ep. c. In ep(), you need to use f ork 0/waitpid 0 to measure the process creation/deletion time. Similarly, when a user runs tcrt, the main() function in crt. c checks argv [0] and then invokes the function et 0 in et . c. You have to use pthread_create0/pthread_join 0 in et () to evaluate the time for thread creation/deletion. To see how the dynamic memory affects the performance of thread/process. your programs need call the function calloc 0 to allocate memory before starting the timer. The argument argv [2] determines the size of the dynamic memory (in K-Bytes) to be allocated. For example, spirit% pert 1024 requests 1024K bytes from the heap area using calloc (). Note that your child process (or thread) needs to update the dynamic memory to see how copy-on-write affects the performance. For comparison purpose, run both of your programs (pert and tcrt) with at least five different sizes (e.g. 0, 1024, 2048, 40%, 8192). The files mm_thr c and etime . c are compiled and linked together to build the executable mm_bench. In mm_thr c, you need to measure the computation time for multiplying two 160x 160 matrices. Your program can split the task to a few threads and each thread just handles a portion of the matrix. The number of threads is given through the argument argv [1] . For example, spirit% mm_bench 4 uses 4 threads to perform the matrix multiplication. You need to run your program using the following different number of threads : I, 2, 4. 8. Write a maketile to describe the dependency among these tiles and to build the three executable tiles pert, tcrt. and mm_bench.
May 19, 2022

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