The actual software, third of 4 phases. Start with "hello world", and at the end of each week, you should have something compiling and working.This report should include the original milestone for...

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The actual software, third of 4 phases. Start with "hello world", and at the end of each week, you should have something compiling and working.

This report should include the original milestone for this week, whether or not you are on schedule, any special problems that were encountered, and a reevaluation of the all the decisions made so far - from the very beginning.

Also, any changes to any of the previous documents should be noted.
Answered Same DayDec 04, 2023

Answer To: The actual software, third of 4 phases. Start with "hello world", and at the end of each week, you...

Aakashgoyal answered on Dec 04 2023
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