Frankenstein - Mary Shelley - Norton Critical Edition (2nd)
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For yourFrankensteinessay, analyze the text ofFrankenstein,particularly in how it presents of guilt, blame, and sin/evil. What is the sin/choice/mistake that should be blamed for tragic consequences of the novel?
Is it the hubris of humanity particularly as it relates to science? Should Victor Frankenstein have never tried to play God and conquer death?
Is it a failure to parent and educate? If Victor had never abandoned his creation, would the results have still been murderous?
Is it a failure of community? Should Victor have planned on making two or more creatures from the beginning so that none would have to live alone and isolated?
Is it a moral and legal failure? The creature should never have murdered anyone and he alone deserves all the blame?
Is it just bad luck and chance? No one deserves blame because the situation was outside everyone’s control?
Or is it the failure and source of guilt/blame something else?
Choose a source of the failure, guilt, and blame. Write an essay with a clear thesis that states your position and why your position is correct and significant. Compose an essay with quotations and evidence from the text ofFrankensteinitself as well as the Context and Criticism section of the Norton Critical Edition.
The essay should be 1,000-1,500 words and in MLA formatting and must include a works cited. The file needs to be in formatted as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf.