test6Question(KWArrayList list, String item ){if (list.isEmpty()) return;KWArrayList list1 = new KWArrayList ();for (int i = 0; i 0)list1.add(list.get(i));}return list1;}O a. The method...

Assume the following method is in class TestArrayList (outside the KWArrayList class). What does it do?<br>public static KWArrayList<E> test6Question(KWArrayList<String> list, String item )<br>{<br>if (list.isEmpty()) return;<br>KWArrayList <String> list1 = new KWArrayList<String>();<br>for (int i = 0; i< list.size()/2; i++) {<br>if(list.get(i).compareTo (item) > 0)<br>list1.add(list.get(i));<br>}<br>return list1;<br>}<br>O a. The method checks the elements up the half of the

Extracted text: Assume the following method is in class TestArrayList (outside the KWArrayList class). What does it do? public static KWArrayList test6Question(KWArrayList list, String item ) { if (list.isEmpty()) return; KWArrayList list1 = new KWArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i< list.size()/2;="" i++)="" {="" if(list.get(i).compareto="" (item)=""> 0) list1.add(list.get(i)); } return list1; } O a. The method checks the elements up the half of the "list"; elements that are greater than item, will be added in reverse order in "list1". The method returns "list1". O b. The method checks the elements up the half of "this" list; elements that are greater than item, will be added to the first half of the "list", otherwise, it will add it to the end of "listl“. The method returns "listl". O. The method checks the elements up the half of "this" list; elements that are greater than item, will be added to the end of "listl". The method returns "list1". Od. The method checks the elements up to the half of the "list"; elements that are greater than item, will be added to the end of "list1". The method returns "list1".
Jun 08, 2022

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