Template 1 (relates to part 1 of the assessment) Critical literature review titled: “Undertake a critical review of the literature regarding ‘employability’. Consider the current market place for...

Template 1
(relates to part 1 of the assessment)

Critical literature review titled: “Undertake a critical review of the literature regarding ‘employability’. Consider the current market place for graduates and choose a career path informed by career theory”.

(Please adapt the title to your researched job market and/or industry e.g. UK job market or China job market – focus on the marketing, or finance industry )

Template 2
(relates to part 2 of the assessment)


Your chosen graduate level target job

Please include all



in this table.

Job title:

Name of company:

Country where the job is based:

Purpose of the job:

Job requirements:

(Please note that details of

identified graduate target position/company

by the test ‘what job suits me’
and/or other. It
be consistent with that described in part 2

(Entry requirements are also important here a BA/BSc, 2.1 or 2.2 or 1st).



A reflective self-assessment of your knowledge, skills and abilities mapped against the requirements of a potential employer and job role, and/or further study to ascertain your suitability for your graduate position/organisation.

(Please note that the reflective self-assessment of your KSA’s requires critical self-reflection on knowledge basis, strengths and areas for development (commonly labelled as weaknesses) related to your chosen graduate role and prospective employer and/or competitor (if you want to be an entrepreneur or want to start or develop a family or/other business); as well as learned through the psychometric test undertaken and, the variety of feedback gained during the seminar activities and directed study, i.e. knowledge basis, critical analysis of psychometric test results, feedback on interviews, presentations and group exercises).

You may include other sources of evidence where pertinent.

You may also want to make reference to module academic literature and concepts where relevant).


Your career plan for the next ten years (informed by career theory development plan identifying your KSA’s and the KSA’s of prospective employer/competitor)

(Please note that the intended graduate position, ought to be informed by a rationale for your choice within the context of a 10 year career plan)

(The career plan ought to be linked to your chosen career path underpinned by career theory)


Conclusions and areas for further development

(Please note that in the conclusion, you need to
next steps

build on
your strengths and
areas for development. For example, if you
have identified
a need to improve on essential knowledge and/or skill area, or work experience, or you need to explain
you plan to do it).

Template 3
(relates to part 3 of the assessment) no
word count

but please keep it short and concise


of your toolkit
key results and themes


Your results:

What job suits me questionnaire?


Honey and Mumford Learning Styles

Numerical reasoning

Verbal Reasoning

Abstract reasoning

Belbin preferences

Work Personality Questionnaire


Covering letter

Please copy and paste cover letter and fully include in here)
or attach as an appendix (if you chose to attach please label as template 3.1)


Completed application form

Please copy and paste application form and fully include in here)
or attach as an appendix (if you chose to attach please label as template 3.2)


Your CV

Please copy and paste CV and fully include in here)
or attach as an appendix (if you chose to attach please label as template 3.3)


Observer’s feedback from interview activities

(Please scan and fully include in here)
or attach as an appendix (if you chose to attach please label as template 3.4)


Observer’s feedback from group activities

Please scan and fully include in here)
or attach as an appendix (if you chose to attach please label as template 3.5)


Career development plan template (i.e. Framework for Career Plan and Self-Analysis available on the ELP week 5)

Please scan and fully include in here)
or attach as an appendix (if you chose to attach please label as template 3.6)

(Please note that if your intended career path is to become an entrepreneur/owner of company, or go to develop a family business your career development plan focus on your interests KSA’s and those of any organisation providing similar services (competitor) or that, you believe endorse similar values that you will benefit from researching and learning from as preparation for developing your own business).

May 18, 2022

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