Tasks i. Explain the role of a healthcare manager in achieving effectiveness and efficient service delivery of care. (20 marks) ii. Define the term stakeholders and analyse the perspectives that...


i. Explain the role of a healthcare manager in achieving effectiveness and efficient service delivery of care. (20 marks)

ii. Define the term stakeholders and analyse the perspectives that different stakeholders in health and social care have regarding quality. (10 marks)

iii. Explain the factors that influence the achievement of quality in the organisation. (10 marks)

iv. Write a report using appropriate theories and models, that produces an applied environmental analysis and identifies and explains the environmental issues to consider when considering the potential development of the service. It is expected that a DEEPEST analysis of ‘Newbury Ridge’ residential care will form the basis of your report. You must reference your data sources. (50 marks)

v. Additional Marks for the academic quality of the assignment These marks will be reserved for the overall quality of the assignment in terms of: appropriate use of referencing, extent and evidence of research, structure of the submission, coverage of issues, presentation and use of appropriate language. (10 marks

Oct 07, 2019

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