Tasks 4: LO4 Understand Strategies for coping with challenging behaviours associated with specific needs. WHAT TO DO; Mr. JC is an 85 year old Muslim man and has been attending Day Care to reduce his...

Tasks 4: LO4 Understand Strategies for coping with challenging behaviours associated with specific needs. WHAT TO DO; Mr. JC is an 85 year old Muslim man and has been attending Day Care to reduce his isolation in order to maintain a stable mental health condition. A severe stroke few years back left him with slow mobility and partial speech impairment. He has a habit of using specific chairs in the lounge and in the dining hall. His food intake is also specific in terms of choosing a specific piece from a whole fish., which the day centre provider purchases from a local fish market. Any change of these choices causes him to be come agitated and angry. Once he is angry he becomes very aggressive and starts swearing at staff members using extremely degrading words in his native tongue. His aggressive attitude over time towards the staff has significant increased. He believes that apart from the manager everyone had bad manners and also that everyone including the other service users has issues against him. The care staff team became very unhappy due to his anger and aggressive behaviour. The social worker was contacted to review his case. He became angry while the meeting with the social worker was in progress. The social worker understood the situation and medical support was requested. it is the responsibility of the manager to defuse the dissatisfaction of the members of staff and also to ensure that the best possible service is provided to Mr JC. It is expected that you will produce a fact sheet for AC 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 which will include the different concepts of challenging behaviour, and include the impact of challenging behaviour and also analyse strategies. 4.1 In the first section, PRODUCE A FACT SHEET that will explain (challenging behaviour, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, ill health - physical and mental) physical impairment, acquired brain injury, drugs and alcohol) different concepts of challenging behaviour. 4.2 The second section you must DESCRIBE THE POTENTIAL IMPACT OF CHALLENGING BEHAVIOUR (methods of working; communication, setting clear boundaries/targets, time out, rewards, and sanctions, medication) on health and social care organisations. 4.3 Finally, in the third section of the fact sheet, (organisational implications; legal framework, professional standards, codes of practice, policies and procedures) YOU MUST ANALYSE STRATEGIES FOR WORKING WITH CHALLENGING BEHAVIOURS ASSOCIATED WITH SPECIFIC NEEDS. Include in your fact sheet a reflective analysis to show how the knowledge gained in UNIT 1: Communicating in health and social care organisations is linked to Unit 16 UNDERSTANDING SPECIFIC NEEDS IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE. For example for AC 4.3, in unit 16 reflect on how communication can also impact challenging behaviours positively/negatively and how it is linked to AC1.4 in unit 1. Your fact sheet should follow the same format as that demonstrated class.

Oct 07, 2019

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