Task You are required to select a health topic of your interest. Once you have selected a topic, you will need to search the literature to find one peer reviewed original qualitative research article...

Task You are required to select a health topic of your interest. Once you have selected a topic, you will need to search the literature to find one peer reviewed original qualitative research article about the topic published in Australia within the last five years. Do not select literature reviews, integrative reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, meta- syntheses, clinical guidelines, mixed method studies or any filtered evidence. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to search for and select scholarly research literature. The article must employ a QUALITATIVE method and describe the following research elements of the article.  methodology  ethics  findings/results Steps/format Identify an original research article in the qualitative paradigm published in Australia in the last 5 years. Using the headings below, complete the task. Introduction Introduce the task; “This post will describe the research elements of a qualitative research article” (title of article) by (author/s, year). Qualitative research Define qualitative research Methodology Define what a “methodology” is and then describe the methodology of the article. Ethics Define what research “ethics” is and then describe the ethics of the study. Findings/Results Define what “findings/results” is and then describe the findings/results of the study. References Use APA style

Oct 07, 2019

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