Task: Reflect on the knowledge and experience gained in this course to respond to the five questions listed below; Assessment 1: Research Assignment (50%) Due Date: 15 September, 2016 at 11:55 pm via study desk Weighting: 50% Length: 2500 words Task: Reflect on the knowledge and experience gained in this course to respond to the five questions listed below. Question 1: Describe the typical anatomical features of successful athletes in 3 different sports, and evaluate how the typical physical features of a somatotype might give an athlete an advantage over other competitors in this sport. Consideration should be given to occupational health and weight or non-weight bearing activities. To what degree do these anatomical features influence the athlete’s final performance? Question 2: Describe how biomechanical knowledge can contribute to physical performance? Give one example where biomechanical factors contribute to improving an athlete’s performance. Question 3: Describe how motor learning knowledge can contribute to physical performance? Give one example where motor learning factors contribute to improving an athlete’s performance. Question 4: Describe Psychological Skills Training (PST) and evaluate how it can be utilised to improve an athlete’s performance. Question 5: As a health and physical educator, coach or sport and exercise scientist, you are aware that children are not ‘mini-adults’ and you are also cognisant of the limitations this places on a child’s physical capacities in sport. Describe the differences between an average adolescent athlete’s physical attributes and capacities and an average adult athlete’s physical attributes and capacities (either gender) with consideration to diversity. Explain how these differences can be accounted for in a training program. List three examples of specific considerations for an adolescent athlete that demonstrates your knowledge of these differences and the impact on planning a training program. Note: The response to each question should be 500 words in length and a minimum of ten reputable academic references should be used for the five questions. The assignment should not exceed 2500 words. The criteria sheet outlines the requirements of the assessment task. Purpose: The focus of the assessment task will require you to draw on lecture information and may include insights from other sources and personal experiences to support your comments (use appropriate referencing). Format Requirements: Cover page, page numbers, header/footer, tables and graphs as applicable, and reference list. N.B. Your work must be specifically related to you and your experiences and clearly identifiable as your personal work. Additional research should come from readings on the study desk or available resources, website information, books or articles, etc. Examples may draw on personal experience and/or insights about other individuals, teams, sports or sporting teams/organisations, sporting events/competitions and Australia and/or other countries. Research Sources: There must be clear evidence of the use of credible academic research sources to guide your planning and your response to the assessment task. You need to acknowledge all sources of information that are not your own using the APA referencing style to do so. Referencing system - American Psychological Association (APA Style): APA style is the only referencing style that will be accepted. Submission Details All Assignments need to be submitted via study desk; word file, PDF file, DVD and mp4 files can be submitted. Style guide: Insert page numbers and a footer which must include your name, student number, the course code and assessment task 1. You will not need an assignment cover sheet to submit via study desk. It is imperative that you conduct a spelling, punctuation and grammar check prior to submission. The assessment will not be assessed unless it meets minimum standards of academic literacy, including referencing. Avoid use of colloquial language and be professional and objective in your writing. Always back up your argument with sound researched information. Below is the link to a site that will help you familiarize yourself with the correct style of communicating. It is imperative that you conduct a spell and grammar check prior to submission. The usual practice of accepting assignments that are 10% over or under the stated word limit will apply. Assignment extension policy - any extension to the due dates needs to be approved by the Course Examiner and applications must be submitted in advance on the correct form. http://www.usq.edu.au/current-students/assessment/assignments/extensions USQ Plagiarism policy: http://www.usq.edu.au/plagiarism/ EDH 2253 - Biophysical Foundations of Sport and Physical Activity Criteria Sheet for Research Assessment 1 NAME: Final Mark: /50% High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail ACQUIRING In-depth comprehension of a wide range of terminologies, principles and concepts relevant to the biophysical areas. Comprehension of a range of terminologies, principles and concepts relevant to the biophysical areas. Comprehension of a range of terminologies, principles and concepts relevant to the biophysical areas. Recollection and recognition of simple terminologies, principles or facts relevant to the biophysical areas. Recognition of some information associated with the biophysical areas. APPLYING Insightful, independent and appropriate analysis and application of information relating to the biophysical areas. Purposeful and effective selection, sequencing and organisation of relevant and substantial subject matter. Independent and appropriate analysis and application of information relating to the biophysical areas. Purposeful selection, sequencing and organisation of relevant and substantial subject matter. Appropriate analysis and application of information relating to the biophysical areas. Suitable selection, sequencing and organisation of relevant subject matter. Comparison and categorisation of information relating to the biophysical areas. Selection and sequencing of subject matter. Comparison or categorisation of information with assistance the biophysical areas. Selection of basic subject matter. EVALUATING Discerning, convincingly justified and independent evaluations, solutions and recommendations concerning the focus of the biophysical areas. Justified and independent evaluations, solutions and recommendations concerning the focus of the biophysical areas. Defended evaluations and solutions concerning the focus of the biophysical areas. Superficial evaluations or solutions concerning the focus of the biophysical areas. Directed responses to problems concerning the focus of the biophysical areas. COMMUNICATING & RESEARCH RESOURCES Comprehensive range of research sources acknowledged both ‘in text’ and in a reference list without error. Meticulous language use and literacy, including spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. Research sources correctly acknowledged both ‘in text’ and in a reference list. Careful language use and literacy, including spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. Research sources acknowledged both ‘in text’ and in a reference list with few errors. Methodical language use and literacy, including spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. Some research sources acknowledged both ‘in text’ and in a reference list. Adequate language use and literacy, including spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. Few research sources acknowledged ‘in text’ or in a reference list. Careless language use and literacy, including spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. Comments: Grade: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Overall Grade /50