Read carefully while doing this assignment and IMC plan very important
Create an Original IMC plan
Using an Australian organisation (you can use the same from A2 or a new one if you want) develop an Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Plan that will increase its brand awareness by 20%. Your IMC plan can be implemented in a new or existing market (Australian or global market).
You can choose an established organisation, a start-up, or your own business (however ensure you choose an Australian based business). Ensure you include a clearly defined product/service in your report.
As part of your plan you need to identify:
Communication objectives (What are your key objectives for the campaign?)
Segments and target market (who are your consumers/customers/clients?)
“Creative idea” what is your message?
Positioning Strategy
Communication strategy Mix (i.e. advertising, sales promotion, etc.)
Media Mix (digital, print, social etc.)
Basic budget concepts (how much will your media/creative messages cost?)
Evaluation metrics (how will you measure the success? – Brand Awareness needs to be defined through research both before and after the campaign etc.)
Make sure your IMC plan is well structured with headings and is fluent and interesting to read to ensure time poor executives (CEO/Leadership Team) can understand the key components and actions.
You can use tables, graphics, flowcharts, images, screen-shots, Videos/links and other tools to make this an interesting, concise and easily communicable report that is targeted at your CEO and Leadership team. You will score more points for creativity!
Although there is no budget restriction on this project, you will need to propose a preliminary budget for your IMC Plan, detailing the spend for each channel – A simple table format will suffice.