Describe why your design concept was chosen (10 marks)
Comprehensive description of design concept that includes excellent design rationale |
Thorough description of design concept that includes good design rationale |
Detaileddescription of design concept that includes some design rationale |
Adequatedescription of design concept |
Incomplete or irrelevantdescription of design concept |
Wireframes and description (40 marks)
Comprehensive description of design that includes sketches and all component functionality |
Thorough description of design that includes sketches and most component functionality |
Detaileddescription of design that includes sketches and some component functionality |
Adequatedescription of design that includes sketches and some component functionality |
Incomplete or irrelevant design and/or description |
Create click-through prototype (20 marks)
Complete walk-through prototype that demonstrates all functionality |
Thorough walk-through prototype that demonstrates most functionality |
Good walk-through prototype that demonstrates much of the functionality |
A walk-through prototype that demonstrates some functionality |
Walk-through prototype that does not work or does not demonstrate functionality |
Summarise design decisions (10 marks)
Comprehensive description of design that includes sketches and all component functionality |
Thorough description of design that includes sketches and most component functionality |
Detaileddescription of design that includes sketches and some component functionality |
Adequatedescription of design that includes sketches and some component functionality |
Incomplete or irrelevant design and/or description |
Interaction on forum (10 marks)
Student is actively engagingin innovative approaches topeer interaction that fosterdeeper collaboration and co-constructionof new knowledge |
Student is actively co-constructingknowledge withtheir peers through cooperationand collaboration |
Student is interactingwith peers with evidence ofcollaboration & moderation; engaging with discussion topics posed by peers |
Some evidence of studentInteraction, with student responding to peers on thediscussion board |
No evidence of interaction on forums. |
Quality of forum interaction (10 marks)
Proactively initiates and facilitates discussion, explicitly using appropriatestrategies and tools. |
Initiates and facilitatesdiscussion usingappropriate strategies andtools. |
Evidence that there is a planned strategy to engage with peers in the forums. |
Some evidence of responding to questions or topics on the discussion forum. |
No evidence of interaction on forums. |
Up to 5 marks may be deducted for poor presentation, spelling and grammar |