Task Jenny’s story (below) demonstrates a number of issues encountered by patients in the healthcare system. Your task is to explore these issues, specifically: 1. Demonstrate your understanding of...

Jenny’s story (below) demonstrates a number of issues encountered by patients in the healthcare system. Your task is to explore these issues, specifically:
1.    Demonstrate your understanding of the various contextual factors presented in this case.  How might these factors be contributing to Jenny’s health?
2.    Discuss the models of teamwork demonstrated in this scenario, evaluating these for effectiveness.
3.    Describe and consider how the clinical reasoning process was implemented in this case and how it could have been improved.
4.    Evaluate how the communication processes and methods used between health professionals and institutions affected Jenny’s experience and outcomes.
5.    Identify and describe community supports and health and human services professionals that could assist Jenny on discharge.

•    Your response will be in the form of a 1,500 word academic essay.
•    This essay will have an introduction, body and conclusion.

•    You will support your information through references from creditable sources.
•    Referencing will be in the APA6 referencing style.
•    There will be a minimum of 7 references.
Submission of assessment
•    You will submit your essay through the plagiarism detection software – Turnitin.
•    There will be a link to Turnitin on the Moodle in Week 12.
•    You can submit your essay through Turnitin prior to the due date and will receive within 24 hours a Similarity Index rating, which will demonstrate where you may have copied material without due referencing, or where your paraphrasing was not sufficient to demonstrate original content.

•    Each time you submit prior to the due date your essay on file will be replaced (there will not be multiple copies of your submission kept on the system). Subsequent submissions to Turnitin usually results in delayed receipt of the Similarity Index (you might not get a report within 24 hours).
•    Your final submission to Turnitin must be before the due date of Sunday 17th September at 11:59 pm.
•    You will be penalised 5% of your total mark for every day after the due date.  After 5 working days (Friday 22nd September, 2017) your submission will not be accepted.

If you believe you will need an extension of the due date you must do the following:
•    An extension of assignment submission for circumstances in the time leading up to the due date must be applied for in writing (via email) to your teacher at least 48 hours prior to the due date. Your teacher will notify you via email if an extension has been granted.
•    If you require an extension for medical reasons, you will need a medical certificate to cover you from the time the assignment was due until the time it is submitted. The medical certificate must be provided to your lecturer.

Oct 07, 2019

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