Task Details Infant, toddler & pre-schooler case studies: You will be required to read the three case studies and document the following for each individual case study: 1. What do you notice holistically about each of the children’s development? (Skills, interests & abilities) 2. What could be some contextual factors which have influenced the children’s emotional and psychological development and how would you support these? 3. Explain how you could foster children’s self-help skills and independence. 4. Explain how you could foster children’s positive self-esteem and self-concept? 5. How would you scaffold the children’s learning and development? 6. How would you provide a positive and safe environment for each of the children that encourages them to express themselves? 7. Which outcomes from the Early Years Learning Framework would your experiences and practices link too? 8. Which National Quality Standards do your experiences and practices link too? Appropriate and current referencing must be included. This includes in-text referencing as well as an accurate reference list at the end.Tamryn is 9 months old. Both Tamryn’s parents work six days per week and her Grandmother lives with the family. Tamryn has no siblings. Tamryn attends the service two days per week and her Grandmother cares for her the other days. She has been attending the service for six months now. She responds to adult interactions with smiles, babbling and laughter. When Tamryn starts to get tired she will rub her eyes and crawls closely to her bag and points to it whilst looking for her dummy. She snuggles in when the educator feed her a bottle and she will usually go straight off to sleep placed in her cot and rubbing of her back for a short time. When she wakes Tamryn pulls herself to a standing position, holding onto the side of the cot, looks around for Kim the room leader and sings out until Kim appears. Tamryn will often be seen throwing her dummy on the floor whilst waiting. Educators are frequently having to wash her dummy and often spending time searching for it after Tamryn’s rest/sleep times. If another educator approaches Tamryn upon her waking and asks “Do you won’t me to lift you out of your cot or wait for Kim?” Tamryn looks at the educator and then quickly sits back down in her cot and waits for Kim. Toddler case study and observations- Mia Mia is 2.5 years old. Mia has just started at your centre (two weeks ago) and is attending full time. The family speak Russian only at home. Mia lives in shared care between her mother’s and father’s houses. The new living arrangements started three weeks ago. When Mia is at her mother’s house it is just the two of them. When Mia is at her father’s house she lives with her father’s girlfriend and her five older children. The children are aged between 6years to 16years. When Mum drops off Mia it is around 9-9:30am and when Dads drops her off it is 6:30am.Her mother’s house is around the corner of the service and her father’s house is approx 30minutes away. You have noticed that the Mia displays frustration whenever she is having her breakfast at the service and during morning experiences. She often strikes out at others, bites or pushes. She then sits away from everyone; under the tables in the room is where you will find her crying until she falls asleep. Mia follows educator’s instructions. Will often be seen playing with baby dolls clutching them under her arms, lining them up into the play beds once she has wrapped them into the blankets. No English verbal skills have been heard. Mia will often talk the baby dolls in Russian. When other toddlers or educators approach her she will stop her doll play and grab all the dolls to herself and hide under the table with them. Preschool case study and observations- James James is 4years old and has been attending the service since he was six weeks of age. James attends four days a week. He lives with his mother, father and two older brothers who are 14years and 7years of age. James family are involved at their local football, basketball and swimming clubs and spend most of the weekends and three nights per week at training venues. Educators ask James about his weekend and he often tells them in detail what his family and himself did. James explains that his brother “kicked one goal in the footy game but that is not one point it is Six!” Educators often hear and see James playing ball games and leading the play in group games.”That’s not how you play the game...this is what you need to do” James does become frustrated when his peers don’t follow the rules to the game. James is able to manipulate drawing and writing tools and uses his right hand in a tripod grasp. You will often observe James climbing the climbing frames with ease and yelling out to his peers “Come on hurry up, follow me this way” During the lunch routine James is keen to assist educators to set up the lunch tables. He will ask “how many children are here today?” and then you will see him collect the correct number of spoons, knives, forks and bowls and place them at each place setting. Assessment Criteria *Denotes critical aspects of assessment High Level Good Level Satisfactory Level * Unsatisfactory Level N Assessed 10-9 8-7 6-5 4-0 Interpretations of the child’s development Excellent interpretation of the child’s development is provided in all three case studies. (Abilities, skills & Interest's identified. Holistic development interpreted. The student’s work is comprehensive and has excellent grammar, formatting and spelling. Good interpretation of the child’s development is provided in all case studies. (Abilities, skills interests identified. Holistic development interpreted. The student’s work is comprehensive and has good grammar, formatting and spelling. Satisfactory interpretation of children’s development in two case studies. The interpretations satisfactorily link to the observation. Limited interpretations of the children’s development in less than two case studies have been established. There is insufficient or no evidence of adequate referencing. Eg. Insufficient reference list/in text referencing/use of varied and current resources Range: Assessed 10-9 8-7 6-5 4-0 contextual factors which have influenced the children’s emotional and psychological development Contextual factors that influenced the children’s emotional and psychological development have been correctly identified and practices to support this area in all three case studies have been well documented. The student’s work is comprehensive and has excellent grammar, formatting and spelling Contextual factors that influenced the children’s emotional and psychological development have been identified and practices to support this area in all three case studies have been documented. The student’s work is comprehensive and has good grammar, formatting and spelling. Contextual factors that influenced the children’s emotional and psychological development child have been somewhat identified with reasonable practices to support in two case studies. Contextual factors which have influenced the children’s emotional and psychological development are not identified or are unsatisfactory in less than two case studies. Practices to support have not been documented or are unsatisfactory. Range: Assessed 10-9 8-7 6-5 4-0 Positive and safe environment for each of the children Excellent practices documented that would provide a positive and safe environment for each of the children and that encourages them to express themselves. The student’s work is comprehensive and has excellent grammar, formatting and spelling. Good practices documented that would provide a positive and safe environment for each of the children and that encourages them to express themselves. The student’s work is comprehensive and has excellent grammar, formatting and spelling Satisfactory practices documented that somewhat provide a positive and safe environment for each of the children and that encourages them to express themselves. Unsatisfactory practices documented that would not provide a positive and safe environment for each of the children and little or no practices that encourages them to express themselves. Range: Assessed 5-4 3-2 1.5-1 0 Strategies to scaffold learning and Ideas to foster self-help, independence & positive self esteem Clearly identified strategies to scaffold the child’s learning. Excellent ideas on how to foster the children’s self help, independent skills and positive self esteem have been clearly explained. The student’s work is comprehensive and has excellent grammar, formatting and spelling. Identified strategies to scaffold the child’s learning. Ideas how to foster the children’s self help, independent skills and self esteem have been explained. Ideas on how to foster the children’s self help, independent skills and positive self esteem have been clearly explained. Identified strategies to scaffold the child’s learning. Ideas how to foster the children’s self help, independent skills and positive self esteem have been somewhat explained. Identified strategies to scaffold the child’s learning are not clearly identified. No evidence of ideas how to foster the children’s self help, independent skills and positive self esteem have been explained. Range: Assessed 5-4 3-2 1.5-1 0 Links to Early Years Learning Frameworks Links to National Quality Standards Excellent links are made from the EYLF and NQS to the experiences & practices. Good links are made from the EYLF and NQS to the experiences and practices. Links to EYLF have been made to a satisfactory standard. Links to NQS have been made to a satisfactory standard. No links have been made to the EYLF or aren’t to a satisfactory standard. No links have been made to the NQS or aren’t to a satisfactory standard.