Task Description: Create an essay based on your study of Module A: Textual Conversations and your prescribed texts, Shakespeare’s play The Tempest and Atwood’s novel Hag-Seed, in your response to ONE...

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Task Description: Create an essay based on your study of Module A: Textual Conversations and your prescribed texts, Shakespeare’s play The Tempest and Atwood’s novel Hag-Seed, in your response to ONE of the questions below: 1. The rubric asks you to ‘explore common or disparate issues, values, assumptions or perspectives and how these are depicted’. How has your understanding of The Tempest and Hag-Seed been enhanced by exploring this textual conversation? OR 2. The rubric asks you to consider the ‘ways that a reimaging or reframing of an aspect of a text might mirror, align or collide with the details of another text’. How has your understanding of The Tempest and Hag-Seed been enhanced by exploring this textual conversation? In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: · demonstrate understanding of how composers are influenced by another text’s concepts and values · evaluate the relationships between texts and concepts, using appropriate textual evidence · organise, develop and express ideas, using language appropriate to audience purpose and form Your task will be 800-900 words. Outcomes EA12-1 independently responds to, composes and evaluates a range of complex texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure EA12-3 critically analyses and uses language forms, features and structures of texts justifying appropriateness for specific purposes, audiences and contexts and evaluates their effects on meaning EA12-5 thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively, critically and discerningly to respond to, evaluate and compose texts that synthesise complex information, ideas and arguments EA12-6 investigates and evaluates the relationships between texts EA12-8 explains and evaluates nuanced cultural assumptions and values in texts and their effects on meaning Topic Studied for this Task Module A: Textual Conversations In this module, students explore the ways in which the comparative study of texts can reveal resonances and dissonances between and within texts. Students consider the ways that a reimagining or reframing of an aspect of a text might mirror, align or collide with the details of another text. In their textual studies, they also explore common or disparate issues, values, assumptions or perspectives and how these are depicted. By comparing two texts students understand how composers (authors, poets, playwrights, directors, designers and so on) are influenced by other texts, contexts and values, and how this shapes meaning. Students identify, interpret, analyse and evaluate the textual features, conventions, contexts, values and purpose of two prescribed texts. As students engage with the texts they consider how their understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of both texts has been enhanced through the comparative study and how the personal, social, cultural and historical contextual knowledge that they bring to the texts influences their perspectives and shapes their own compositions. By responding imaginatively, interpretively and critically students explore and evaluate individual and common textual features, concepts and values. They further develop skills in analysing the ways that various language concepts, for example motif, allusion and intertextuality, connect and distinguish texts and how innovating with language concepts, form and style can shape new meaning. They develop appropriate analytical and evaluative language required to compose informed, cohesive responses using appropriate terminology, grammar, syntax and structure. By composing critical and creative texts in a range of modes and media, students develop the confidence, skills and appreciation to express a considered personal perspective. Marking Criteria
Answered Same DayMay 30, 2021

Answer To: Task Description: Create an essay based on your study of Module A: Textual Conversations and your...

Soumi answered on Jun 01 2021
156 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Discussion    3
Conclusion    5
References    6
Margaret Atwood’s perspective is the modern interpretat
ion of Shakespearean world, only differing in being literary while Shakespeare dwelled on metaphorical implications. Being a part of the Hogarth Shakespeare Series Margaret Atwood’s novel Hag-Seed has publicly being mentioned as a modern retailing of Shakespeare’s renowned drama – The Tempest. Considering the frame of the novel, Hag-Seed, is highly inspired by the story line, plot development, characters and setting of the scenes of The Tempest. In Hag-Seed by Atwood, the characters are retained the same way as they have been in The Tempest, as example, the characters of Felix, Tony, 8Handz, Freddie reflect the same sentiment, characteristics and ethical values to that of Prospero, Antonio, Ariel and Ferdinand respectively.
In the given novel, named Hag-Seed and well as in The Tempest, the issue of betrayal from the trusted close alliances are portrayed without missing a mark of intensity in both the works of art. While in case of ‘The Tempest’, considering the era, the contemporary social norms and values, the issue of betrayal as well as wrongdoing were presented as conspiracies. It was for the occupying of the power of the throne that the modern retelling of the story in Hag-Seed tends to justify the context in a very convincing manner. It depicts the angle of conspiracy for the power at a much smaller scale, limiting the power struggle within a short theatre, and giving the betrayal a more convincing, political perspective. As supported by Rahman (2018), the background setting for a literary piece of art requires a proper alignment with the contemporary social order and projected timeline.
In both the stories, Felix and Prospero, the respective protagonists, go through a rough phase in their lives, living lives in isolation and using the artistry for executing revenge on the wrong doers....

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