Task: Critically compare two recent (within 5 years) journal articles on the same issue related to the Australian health care system. Length: 1000 words approx Due Date:Monday, Week 5 Sunday, 26th...

Task: Critically compare two recent (within 5 years) journal articles on the same issue related to the Australian health care system. Length: 1000 words approx Due Date:Monday, Week 5  Sunday, 26th March 2017 11:00 AM Purpose:
To become familiar with and critically reflect on key journals containing relevant literature on the Australian health system, reform and meeting current health care needs; To further develop critical thinking and engage in academic dialogue with peers.

In order to do this you will need to:

1. Choose a specific feature of the Australian Health care system and look at issues/problems/ or concerns within this area. Some of the aspects could include:

Support services for chronic conditions/ Health care needs being met Challenges of funding and reforming Medicare                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Private health care system: benefits/ inequities
Primary Health Care reform                                                                                              Health Workforce Development/ Recruitment and retention of staff Jobs for health graduates.

2. Select two relevant and current (within the last 5 years) journals in the library data bases

3. Read each article and make notes about the following:

o  Identify and compare the writer’s main points in each article. o Underline any unfamiliar words as you go and look them up when you have finished reading. o Read the articles again and look for the ideas the authors' use to support the main point in each article. o Summarise the articles in your own words. o Identify one key issue or idea you have learned about the Australian health Workforce from this research and find additional resources/references to back up your findings/conclusions

Oct 07, 2019

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