Task 3: LO3 Understand factors which influence health promotion. use the case scenario as a background to answer the following questions. You MUST include the following in your report. 3.1 Identify...

Task 3: LO3 Understand factors which influence health promotion. use the case scenario as a background to answer the following questions. You MUST include the following in your report. 3.1 Identify the theories of health behaviour and explain how health beliefs are translated into behaviour in relation to Jack and Deborah in the case study. Use the Stages of Change model to support your answer. 3.2 Discuss the potential effects of conflicts with the local industry on health promotion with respect to Jack and Deborah. 3.3 Explain with examples the importance of providing relevant health related information to the public with respect to Jack and Deborah.

Oct 07, 2019

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