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Task 1 – Theory: Short Answer Questions SITXWHS006- Task 2 – Skill Test Unit Code SITXWHS006 Unit Description Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks Assessment Type Task 2 – Project Assessment Location Training Kitchen - 460 Cleveland St, Surry Hills NSW 2010 By submitting this work, I declare that: · I have been advised of the assessment requirements, have been made aware of my rights and responsibilities as an assessment learner, and choose to be assessed at this time. · I am aware that there is a limit to the number of submissions that I can make for each assessment, and I am submitting all documents required to complete this Assessment. · I have organised and named the files I am submitting according to the instructions provided, and I am aware that my assessor will not assess work that cannot be clearly identified and may request the work be resubmitted according to the correct process. · This work is my own and contains no material written by another person except where due reference is made. I am aware that a false declaration may lead to the withdrawal of qualification or statement of attainment. · I am aware that there is a policy of checking the validity of qualifications that I submit as evidence as well as the qualifications/evidence of parties who verify my performance or observable skills. I give my consent to contact these parties for verification purposes. Student ID       Student Name       Submission Date       Assessment Task 2 - Project (PT) Project Scenario: CFR (Chocolate factory Richmond) Overview CFR is the sweetest and most addictive attraction in Richmond, New south wales. It is the flagship brand of CFG (chocolate factory global) and the company was founded by Mark Mizzi. It is the business, which started in 1980 with 10 employees and 50-60 visitors on daily basis, however with the uniqueness and quality of the product they are offering to its visitors, online customers their business increased to 150 permanent staff, 2000 daily visitors and 100 contractual workers for machinery, operation and maintenance. From the beginning, the company takes pride in following legislation, acts and regulations applicable to the industry. The company has a WHS plan in place to manage their workplace health and safety obligations. Organisational procedures: Hazard identification and risk assessment As per organisational procedures, the following temples will be used to keep a record of the hazards and incidents: Hazard identification: · Hazard identification form · Risk matrix Risk assessments: · Risk assessment template · Risk matrix Controlling risk · Control measures will be first documented by the Work Health and Safety officer. · The control measures will be then discussed in a meeting with the management. · Then the decisions will be made to implement the control measures. You are Work Health and Safety Officer at Chocolate factory Richmond; you have the following job responsibilities: · Investigating/recording incidents, accidents, complaints and cases of ill health · Undertaking risk assessments and site inspections · Ensuring that equipment is installed correctly/safely · Identifying potential hazards · Determining ways of reducing risks · Writing internal health and safety policies/strategies · Compiling statistics · Drawing up safe operational practices and making necessary changes · Writing reports, bulletins and newsletters · Making presentations to groups of employees/managers · Providing health and safety meetings and training courses for employees · Liaising with relevant authorities · Keeping up to date and ensuring compliance with current health and safety legislation. Scenario: Recently some safety incidents have taken place in the “Chocolate Factory Richmond”. These incidents have been recorded in the following documents: · Hazard complaint registers · Incident reports Note: These documents will be provided along with this assessment. The management wants you to identify hazards, assess the associated workplace safety risks, take measures to eliminate or minimise those risks, and document all processes. Task: As a Work Health and Safety Officer, you are required to identify hazards, assess the associated workplace safety risks, take measures to eliminate or minimise those risks, and document all processes. To do so, you need to complete the following activities: · Activity 1: Identify hazards · Activity 2: Assess the safety risk associated with a hazard. · Activity 3: Eliminate or control the risk Activity 1: Identify hazards In this activity, you are required to use organisational work health and safety (WHS) plan (Refer Annexure 1- provided along with this assessment) and identify each of the following types of actual or foreseeable workplace hazards: · Physical environment · Plant · Work practice · Security issue ACT 1.1. After analysing the organisational work health and safety (WHS) plan, you are then required to access and use the following hazard identification and risk assessment tools and template documents. · Hazard identification form · Risk matrix template ACT 1.2. Using these templates, you are then required to identify actual or foreseeable hazards that have the potential to harm the health and safety of workers or anyone else in the workplace. To identify the hazards, you need to carefully analyse the following documents: · Hazard complaint registers · Incident reports · Work Health and Safety (WHS) plan After analysing the documents, you are then required to complete the ‘Hazard identification form’. When completing the ‘Hazard identification form’, you are required to: · Document the following: · Business name · Conducted by and date · Hazards · Document hazards identified. · The risk associated with the hazards. · People/persons who may be affected by the hazard. · Use Risk rating to identify initial risk rating. Hazard identification form Business name: Conducted by: In attendance: In attendance: Date: Hazards identified: · · · · · · What are the risks associated with the hazard? · · · · · · People/persons who may be affected by the hazard: · · · · · · What has already been done to control the hazards? (Note: leave this section blank if nothing has been done) Hazard 1 Hazard 2 Hazard 3 Hazard 4 Hazard 5 Hazard 6 Initial risk rating: Hazard 1: ☐ low☐ moderate☐ high☐ critical☐ catastrophic Hazard 2: ☐ low☐ moderate☐ high☐ critical☐ catastrophic Hazard 3: ☐ low☐ moderate☐ high☐ critical☐ catastrophic Hazard 4: ☐ low☐ moderate☐ high☐ critical☐ catastrophic Hazard 5: ☐ low☐ moderate☐ high☐ critical☐ catastrophic Hazard 6: ☐ low☐ moderate☐ high☐ critical☐ catastrophic (Note: further action needs to be taken if the initial risk rating for the hazard is higher than “low”) What further action needs to be taken? (eg. provide training, review of safe work procedure, provide manual task equipment, etc…) Hazard 1 Hazard 2 Hazard 3 Hazard 4 Hazard 5 Hazard 6 By when (date): Completion date: Completed by: Risk matrix template: Activity 2: Assess the safety risk associated with a hazard In this activity, you are required to: ACT 2.1. Assess the safety risk associated with each of the above hazards, using the following risk assessment tools and template documents: · Risk assessment template · Risk matrix (Provided in activity 1). ACT 2.2. Work alone to use a systematic method to assess the risks. ACT 2.3. Use ‘Risk Matrix’ to collect sufficient evidence of the type and level of risk posed by the identified hazards. ACT 2.4. Document the outcome of the risk assessment, suggesting actions to eliminate or control risks. ACT 2.5. Keep records of risk assessments using “Risk Assessment template”. Risk Assessment template: 1. Background Information Workplace: Date: Title of Assessment: Name of person conducting assessment: 2. Risk Assessment Identify and list Hazards List Current Risk Controls Risk Rating List Additional Controls (if any - where current controls are not adequately managing the level of risk) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Activity 3: Eliminate or control the risk After assessing the risk, you are required to arrange a meeting with the management to discuss the risks identified, the risk ratings and the control measures that should be implemented to eliminate or control the risks identified for each of the above hazards. The following will be the participants of the meeting: · Work Health and Safety Officer (You-Chairperson) · Health and Safety representative · Owner The agenda of the meeting is to take measures to eliminate or control the risks identified for each of the above hazards in line with organisational procedures. Before the meeting, you need to: · Prepare meeting agenda using the template provided. · Prepare a presentation that includes the following. (6-8 slides) · Hazards identified · Risks associated with the hazards. · Risk ratings · Control measures During the meeting, you need to: · Deliver the presentation. · Apply listening and questioning techniques to check or confirm understanding. · Discuss ways of eliminating or controlling each risk. · Discuss priority measures to eliminate or control risks. · Request feedback from Health and Safety representative and Owner. · Gain agreement on risk control measures to be implemented for each risk. Health and Safety representative and Owner will: · Provide valuable inputs regarding risk control measures to be implemented. · Agree of control measures that will be most effective. After the meeting, you must complete the “Minutes-of-Meeting” template provided below. Meeting agenda template: Date/Time: Location: Chairperson: Meeting Attendees: Full names and roles Agenda Item/Topic Discussion/Outcomes Action Officer Due Date Welcome (Agenda item 1) Topic? (Agenda item 2) Topic? (Agenda item 3) Topic? Summary Overall Summary Decision/s Action/s if any Next Meeting time/date Meeting closed at: Minutes are a true and accurate record of the meeting Approved/confirmed by whom? Meeting minutes template: Minutes of Meeting Meeting Objective: Attendees: Venue: Date: No. Points Discussed Actions Suggested Target Date Signature of attendee 1: Signature of attendee 2: Signature of attendee 3: Signature of attendee 4: Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist Your task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist. To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this assessment task the participant needs to demonstrate competency in the following critical aspects of evidence S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete (Comment and feedback to students) a) Interpreted hazard identification and risk assessment template documents and organisational policies and procedures. · · b) Correctly scored the risks and calculated an overall risk level for the identified hazard. · · c) Identified actual or foreseeable hazards that have the potential to harm the health and safety of workers or anyone else in the workplace. · · d) Correctly completed the ‘Hazard identification form’ · · e) Documented the outcome of the risk assessment, suggesting actions to eliminate or control risks. · · f) Actively and cooperatively participated in group risk assessments · · g) Suggested effective controls while incorporating the views of other people in the workplace. · · h) Assertively suggested effective controls while incorporating the views of other people in the workplace. · · Unit Code: SITXWHS006Page 1 of 11 Unit Code: SITXWHS006Page 2 of 27 Risk Matrix Severity NEGLIGIBLE small/unimportant; not likely to have a major effect on the operation of the event / no bodily injury to requiring minor first aid injury MARGINAL minimal importance; has an effect on the operation of event but will not affect the event outcome / requires medical treatment CRITICAL serious/important; will affect the operation of the event in a negative way / suffers serious injuries or medical treatment of minors CATASTROPHIC maximum importance; could result in disaster/death; WILL affect the operation of the event in a negative way / death,
Answered Same DayMay 10, 2023

Answer To: i have attached the file

Shubham answered on May 10 2023
31 Votes
Task 1 – Theory: Short Answer Questions
SITXWHS006- Task 1 – Knowledge Assessment
    Unit Code
    Unit Description
    Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
    Assessment Type
    Task 1 – Knowledge Assessment
    Assessment Location
    To be submitted online
    By submitting this work, I declare that:
· I have been advised of the assessment requirements, have been made aware of my rights and responsibilities as an assessment learner, and choose to be assessed at this time.
· I am aware that there is a limit to the number of submissions that I can make for each assessment, and I am submitting all documents required to complete this Assessment.
· I have organised and named the files I am submitting according to the instructions provided, and I am aware that my assessor will not assess work that cannot be clearly identified and may request the work be resubmitted according to the corre
ct process.
· This work is my own and contains no material written by another person except where due reference is made. I am aware that a false declaration may lead to the withdrawal of qualification or statement of attainment.
· I am aware that there is a policy of checking the validity of qualifications that I submit as evidence as well as the qualifications/evidence of parties who verify my performance or observable skills. I give my consent to contact these parties for verification purposes.
    Student ID
    Student Name
    Submission Date
Provide your response to each question in the box below.
    Answer the following questions regarding workplace health and safety legislation and other related requirements:
In the given table, write the relevant act, regulations and codes for different states.
Explain the key features of the Work Health and Safety Management systems. Write your answer in 100-150 word.
When should the hazard be identified at the workplace? Write your answer in 100-150 word.
How should a PCBU conduct risk identification at the workplace? Write your answer in 150-200 word.
Explain when and how should risk assessments be conducted at the workplace? Write your answer in 100-150 word.
As per the model WHS act, where is it mandatory to conduct risk assessment activities? Write your answer in 100-150 word.
Who should be consulted in the hazard identification process? Write your answer in 50-100 word.
Why is it important to consult your workers in the risk assessment process? Write your answer in 100-150 word.
Explain the role of WHS committees in the workplace. Write your answer in 50-100 word.
What types of health and safety record must be retained by the organisation? Identify and document any seven (7).
    Satisfactory response
    Relevant Acts, Regulations, and Codes
    Food Act 2003, Food Regulation 2015, NSW Food Authority Codes of Practice
    Food Act 1984, Food Regulations 2015, Food Safety Standards
    Food Act 2006, Food Regulation 2016, Food Standards Code
    Food Act 2008, Food Regulations 2009, Food Standards Code
    Food Act 2001, Food Regulations 2017, Food Standards Code
    Food Act 2003, Food Regulations 2016, Food Safety Standards
    Food Act, Food Regulations, Food Standards Code
b. Work Health and Safety (WHS) Management systems includes comprehensive set of processes, policies and procedures that is designed to manage the health and safety risks in a workplace. The key features of an effective WHS Management system include a strong focus on risk management, demonstrating leadership and commitment to WHS, encouraging consultation and communication with workers, ensuring competence and training of employees, implementing effective emergency procedures and establishing a system for ongoing monitoring. It includes review and continuous improvement. A well-designed WHS Management system can help to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and standards, prevent workplace incidents and injuries and promote a safe and healthy work environment for all employees.
c. Hazards are required to be identified in the workplace as early as possible, ideally before any work activity begins. This allows for timely assessment of the risks associated with the hazard and the implementation of controls for management of risks. Hazards can also be identified during ongoing work activities and it requires regular inspections and risk assessments. It is important to have a systematic process for identifying hazards like hazard identification checklists and it involves workers in hazard identification through consultation and reporting mechanisms. In the identification of hazards can help in preventing workplace incidents and injuries. This ensure that appropriate controls are in place for managing risks and promoting safe and healthy work environment.
Workers are often the best source of information regarding potential hazards and risks at the workplace. It includes consulting with them to identify hazards and gain insight into the risks associated with specific tasks and activities. Reviewing the past incidents and accidents for identify any patterns and trends that may indicate areas of risk in the workplace. Conducting regular inspections of the workplace to identify hazards like equipment, materials, work processes and environmental factors. The review relevant documentation like safety data sheets, manufacturer's instructions and legislative requirements. It includes identifying any associated with the use of specific products or equipment. Prioritizing the identified risks is based on the potential severity and likelihood of occurrence. Once hazards and risks that have identified and prioritized and PCBU should implement appropriate controls to manage those risks and minimize the likelihood of harm occurring. Regularly review and update the risk identification process to ensure that hazards and risks are continually monitored and managed effectively.
e. Risk assessments is required to be conducted at the workplace. It includes process, task and equipment for creating the change in existing processes and procedures. Risk assessments is required to be conducted in the evidence of new and emerging hazards and workplace incident or near miss occurs. The risk assessment process should involve identifying potential hazards, assessing the risks associated with those hazards and implementing controls to manage those risks. The assessment should be conducted by a competent person and involve consultation with workers and other relevant parties. Regular reviews of the risk assessment should be conducted for ensuring that hazards and risks are continually monitored and managed effectively.
f. As per the model WHS Act, it is important for the person conducting a business and undertaking to identify and manage risks to health and safety in the workplace. This includes conducting risk assessment activities and it is required for all work tasks and processes that have the potential to cause harm to workers and other persons. Risk assessments should be conducted before work begins and it can help in identifying change in the workplace and work processes for the identified hazards.
g. In the hazard identification process, workers and other relevant parties like contractors, health and safety representatives and safety specialists is required to be consulted to provide knowledge and experience on the hazards present in the workplace.
h. It is important to consult workers in the risk assessment process and this required identification of valuable knowledge and experience of the work. Consulting workers can help in identifying hazards that may have been overlooked and ensure that the risk assessment and it is required to be thorough and accurate. It also demonstrates that employer values the input of their workers and is committed to creating a safe and healthy workplace. Involving workers in the risk assessment process can also help to improve understanding of the risks associated. It requires identification of work and encourage to be more engaged in workplace health and safety.
i. WHS committees play a crucial role in the workplace for providing a forum for workers and management to collaborate on health and safety matters. The committees are responsible for identifying hazards and risks, making recommendations for improvement.
1. Incident reports - Documents that record details of workplace incidents, injuries, and illnesses.
2. Risk assessments - Records that document the identification and assessment of hazards and associated risks in the workplace.
3. Safety data sheets - Documents that provide information on the hazards and safety precautions associated with chemicals used in the workplace.
4. Training records - Records that document the training provided to workers on health and safety matters.
5. Inspection reports - Records that document the results of inspections of the workplace, machinery and equipment.
6. Safety meeting minutes - Records that document the discussions and decisions made during safety meetings.
7. Maintenance records -...

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