Task 1: The scenario for this assignment is that you have agreed to submit an article about health promotion to a student/nursing journal. The brief from the journal’s board is that your article...

Task 1: The scenario for this assignment is that you have agreed to submit an article about health promotion to a student/nursing journal.  The brief from the journal’s board is that your article should:

1.0    Explain what health promotion is, its’ purpose, and how it links to the current NHS framework
1.1  Understand the theories of health promotion
1.2  Explain the theoretical framework of health promotion
1.3  Understand the debates regarding health promotion and social policy
2.0  Analyse different social, cultural and societal issues affecting health promotion initiatives.
2.1   Analyse the main issues relating to health promotion and social policy, eg social class, gender, ethnicity.
2.2  Understand the role of the media in promoting health in UK
3. 0  Evaluate the role of the media in respect to health promotion issues and campaigns
3.1  Understand the changes over time in UK, in health promotion policy

4.0    Choose a current area of health promotion in UK and investigate:

4.1    The reasons for health promotion in this area.
4.2    The effect the current campaign(s) have had on changing public behaviour and perceptions.
4.3    How different approaches have been used in this health area over the last 50 years, and the relative success of each campaign.
4.4    Any specific barriers to health promotion in this area eg social, cultural, economic, gender, etc
4.5    Costs and other statistical information.
4.6    The validity of the evidence that your current health campaign has been based on.

Oct 07, 2019

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