Task 1:Over recent years your company has been making substantial investments in automated machine tools, but the inspection techniques have remained virtually unchanged. Most operators use go/no-go...

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Task 1:Over recent years your company has been making substantial investments in automated machine tools, but the inspection techniques have remained virtually unchanged. Most operators use go/no-go gauges and comparators etc. The emphasis has been on the detection of non-conforming components which are either scrapped or reworked.The largest overall linear dimension on any components manufactured by the company is 400 mm. The main products are turned and milled components with a substantial number of features with tolerances in the region of 50 μm, but some precision spindles have tolerances of only 5 microns. The surface roughness ranges from 12.5-0.025 μm.The Managing Director has given you the task of preparing a report on the types of equipment which could be employed to improve the measurement and product quality within the company. You should aim to demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of relevant measuring techniques with sound / innovative solution (paying attention to new and emerging technologies) and also skills for broader considerations, e.g. implications due to batch sizes, component types and materials, commercial and industrial constraints. Your report should cover the use of suitable sensors and transducers (e.g. LVDTs and/or optical encoders), coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) and surface measuring machines, including their operating principles, characteristics, performance. Since CMMs are complicated measuring machine, you should discuss their common error sources and how you are going to calibrate them. You should also describe the important surface parameters the company will likely use.Task 2:Your company has a manual 2D microscope which can measure the coordinates of 2D profiles. You have been asked to develop a least square algorithm in either Matlab or Excel to calculate the centre and radius of circular features.Describe briefly how measurement uncertainty is evaluated. Given the standard uncertainty of x and y coordinates is 30 μm, calculate the uncertainties associated with the radius and centre coordinates. Describe how to reduce the measurement uncertainties.To test your algorithm, you can use the following measurement results, the XY coordinates recorded for a ring gauge:
Answered Same DayFeb 18, 2021

Answer To: Task 1:Over recent years your company has been making substantial investments in automated machine...

Ishwar answered on Feb 25 2021
145 Votes
Advanced measurement systems and data analysis
Advanced measurement systems and data analysis
Student Name
Table of Contents
Introduction:    4
Aim:    4
Body:    4
Measuring error and uncertainty:    4
Operating principal of advanced sensors    6
Co-ordinate measuring machine:    8
Range and capability of Advance measuring instrument    11
Task: 2 Least Square Algorithm    13
References    17
The project report is study about the “advance measurement system and data analysis” of mechanic
al system. The measuring device is essential elements for all types of engineering service include civil, mechanical, electrical and electronic. The measuring instrument is requiring measuring all types of parameter and ensuring that the specific products are manufacture as per drawing. The managing director gives task to provides detail analysis, important, specification and limits of advance measuring instrument uses for measuring different parameter and ensure quality of product. additionally, the article discuss about the experimental study of uncertainty of circle co-ordinate system and potential method to reduce uncertainty.
To research and study about the advance measuring technique and data analysis.
Measuring error and uncertainty:
The measuring error is defined as the difference between the measuring value and actual value. There are mainly two types of error occurs while measuring machine component i.e. systematic error and random error.
a. Instrumental Errors
The instrumental error occurs due to incorrect construction of measuring instrument. The error occurs due to friction or hysteresis. The error occurs due to misuse and ineffective use of measuring instrument Harris P M. et.al.(2007).
b. Environment error :
The error occurs due to surrounding and external condition of the instrument. The external conditions include pressure, humidity, temperature effect and magnetic field. In order to reduce environment error, it is require to keep maintain humidity and constant room temperature when measuring machine component. Also, ensure that there is no external electrostatic and magnetic field around the measuring component.
c. Theoretical error :
The error occurs due to generalization of the model system. for example, as per theoretical calculation, the temperature of surrounding kept constant but it will not constant when measure practically, the error occurs.
d. Random Errors :
The Random errors occur due to sudden change in the experiment situation, for example noise occurs, human error, tiredness during experiment. These errors are either positive or negative. The Random error occurs due to change in humidity, unexpected change in climate etc. In order to overcome that error, it is require to collect or takes large number of readings.
Figure: Random error
When measuring instrument uses to measure machine component parameter, the calibration is essential, without calibration measurement uncertainty. The measurement of uncertainty is value obtain to assess the doubt exist for specific measuring instrument Bell S A. (2001). Also, there is no measurement is exact, that means there are always error exist with every measurement. Additionally, it is require computing the uncertainty in order to find the degree, effect and quantity of error which usually exist in measuring parameter. When obtain uncertainty, it is require to identifying all key sources of error which are influence to the measuring system. This is way of instruments, environment, and procedure and so on. It is require to evaluate and quantifying the magnitude of each error and obtain effective value.
Operating principal of advanced sensors
LVDT (Linear variable Differential Transformer)
The instrument is normal type of transducer which mainly uses to convert the rectangular movement of object to the equivalent electric signal. The instrument is uses to calculate the displacement and work on the transformer principle.
LVDT construction:
The instrument contains the cylindrical former which surround by one winding in the hub of the former and two key LVDT winding over the surface. The twists of the winding are equivalent in both condition, but it is they are reverse to each other i.e. clockwise and counter-clockwise direction Higham N J. (2016).
Figure: LVDT winding
Therefore, the output voltage may vary by considering voltage among the two minor coils. The coils are mentioned by S1 and S2. In this case, the Esteem iron core is placed in the middle segment of the cylindrical former. In this case, the excitation voltage of alternative current is around 5 to 12 V and operating frequency is around 50 to 400 Hz.
Working principle of LVDT:
The equipment working theory is mutual induction. In this case, the dislocation is the nonelectrical energy which changed into the electrical energy.
Figure: LVDT working principle
a. When the core of the LVDT is at the null location, the minor winding flux will equal, that means the induced e.m.f is similar in the windings. At the same...

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