Case stsudy

Case stsudy

Tape Despencer Report Headings · Introduction · Manufacturing Processes, Tools & Parameters · CNC Program · Part Cycle Time · Process Flow / Factory layout · Automation · Material Handling · Lean · Inspection · Assembly · Testing · Packaging · Conclusion All work should be completed by yourself, refence any relevant documentation: Sources : · Journal papers · Manufacturing Books · Manufacturing related web pages / Articles Case Study March 2024 CA no. 2 Manufacturing Engineering You are required to plan the manufacture of 300 Tape dispenser units per week, see attached drawings on moodle. 1. The case study is focused on the manufacturing systems and planning that need to be in place to complete the manufacturing of the desired number of units per week. 2. In class discussion will take place about: a. Parts b. Materials c. Manufacturing processes d. Time studies e. Takt time & process flatting f. Report 3. The report should detail all items listed in 2 above, suggested heading for the report are: a. Introduction b. Materials & Stock sizes c. Machinery & Process d. Manufacturing Systems e. Takt Time & Process levelling f. Floor layout / Work flow g. Safety h. Discussion / Conclusion 4. Completed case studies should be upload before 12th April
Aug 13, 2024

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