Take two numbers (separated by a space) as user input in a single line which will be used as a range (both numbers inclusive) later. Your task is to create and print a Python dictionary where the keys...

Take two numbers (separated by a space) as user input in a single line
which will be used as a range (both numbers inclusive) later. Your task is
to create and print a Python dictionary where the keys will be numbers from
that range and the corresponding values will be the odd factors (divisors)
of that number in a tuple.

Sample Input 1:
10 15

Sample Output 1:
{10: (1, 5), 11: (1, 11), 12: (1, 3), 13: (1, 13), 14: (1, 7), 15: (1, 3,
5, 15)}

Explanation 1:
In this dictionary, the keys contain numbers from the range 10 to 15 and
the value corresponding to a number is a tuple which consists of the odd
factors of that number.
Sample Input 2:
20 23

Sample Output 2:
{20: (1, 5), 21: (1, 3, 7, 21), 22: (1, 11), 23: (1, 23)}

Explanation 2:
In the dictionary, the keys contain numbers from the range 20 to 23 and the
value corresponding to a number is a tuple which consists of the odd
factors of that number.

Jun 10, 2022

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