Table of ContentsExecutive SummaryIntroductionFindingsConclusionRecommendationsReference ListAppendices Peer Coaching Analysis and Plan Students should choose ONE (1) of the three (3) brief casestudy...

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Table of ContentsExecutive SummaryIntroductionFindingsConclusionRecommendationsReference ListAppendices
Peer Coaching Analysis and Plan Students should choose ONE (1) of the three (3) brief casestudy below.Each CEO requires peer coaching, including a self-reflection of their soft and hard skills, critical reflection skills, problem-solving ability, teamwork and management of self and others in a work environment. The scenario is that you have been requested by the board of the company to write a peer coaching plan [1000-words] based on the self-reflection of the business manager, and include short, medium and long-term goals. Your plan should use theoretical concepts underpinning hard and soft skills and relevant managerial effectiveness.

Case Study 1: AOL CEO Tim Armstrong’s firing of a Patch employee and subsequent apology A renowned example of poor communication came in August 2013, when AOL CEO Tim Armstrong announced that AOL would be reducing the number of Patch websites. Soon afterward, Armstrong spoke to 1,000 employees on a conference call that was intended to boost morale and discuss the future. What happened instead was far from morale-boosting. Armstrong ended up firing Patch’s Creative Director, Abel Lenz, in front of everyone. Four days after he fired Lenz, Armstrong sent AOL employees an apology for his behaviour. Unfortunately, rather than using it as an opportunity to take ownership, in a direct, heartfelt way, Armstrong missed the mark. He made excuses for his behaviour rather than owning up to it and sharing what he learned.
Case Study 2: Yahoo’s poor communication of its “in office” policy A recent notorious example of inept leadership came when the head of HR at Yahoo sent employees the internal memo leaked around the world. It told Yahoo employees that telecommuting or working from home would soon no longer be an option and that those who worked remotely must relocate to an office or quit. The communication around the policy sparked a strong negative reaction, and it wasn’t difficult to see why: a poorly constructed memo failed to explain the rationale behind such a significant culture change, leaving Yahoo employees upset and frustrated and launching a national conversation about work-from-home policies. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer initially said via a spokesperson that the company does not discuss internal matters. But two months after the memo leaked, Marissa Mayer finally broke her silence. At a Los Angeles conference for human resource professionals, Mayer began speaking about Yahoo’s culture, but after a few minutes interrupted herself to address what she referred to as “the elephant in the room.” She refused to waver on the policy, explaining that some of the best ideas come from in-person collaboration and that the in-office policy was “wrongly perceived as industry narrative.”
Case Study 3: Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries’ old comments that drew new attention In 2006, Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries gave an interview to in which he stated that the retail chain’s clothes were exclusively for thin, attractive, “cool kids.” Those comments were brought back to life in the spring of 2013 when quoted in a widely-read read Business Insider blog post. The comments unleashed strong backlash from social media, consumers, popular bloggers and high- Page 3 of 6 profile individuals. Jeffries waited 12 days after the Business Insider blog post was published to address the comments, but his words only attracted more negative attention. Rather than taking ownership of his statement and apologizing, Jeffries invalidated the public reaction by stating that the quote was “taken out of context,” and that he regretted his words “were interpreted in a manner that has caused offense.” Jeffries continued to face strong criticism from both the media and shareholders. In 2013, one of Abercrombie’s most significant shareholders wrote a nine-page letter to Abercrombie’s board, calling for the company to replace Jeffries as CEO when his contract expired. Jeffries contract was renewed, but, after courting further controversy, he was finally forced to step down in 2014.

Present your findings as a report (1000 words) using the following structure: •Cover page: Your name, MGT802 and the title of the report: this should be a concise description of your report •Table of contents: list all major sections with page numbers•Introduction:Cover the Background (what has come before the report to make it necessary for you to write it?), Aim(s) (what is the main aim(s) of the report?) and Scope (how will you cover this aim(s), discuss sections and what will and won’t be covered).•Main body: As mentioned above, this should discuss peer coaching, including asking the manager to self-reflect on their soft and hard skills, critical reflection skills, problem-solving ability, teamwork and management of self and others in a work environment. It should also include short, medium and long-term goals, and should use theoretical concepts underpinning hard and soft skills and relevant managerial effectiveness. You will need to then make empirically supported recommendations for the board. There need to be regular in-text referencing to support your writing.•Conclusion: Using the literature, write a short summary of your findings as well as some concise and practical recommendations for further research on the subject matter discussed in your report.•Reference list: use the APA referencing system.

Please note the following important points:• The report should be in a clear, easy to read font, 12-point size, with 1.15 spacing. Overall Page 4 of 6 presentation should reflect the appropriate business format. • Unreferenced reports, or those that do not include a minimum of five (5) references, will receive a grade of 50% or less. The quality of your references will impact your grade (at least three (3) of your sources should be scholarly, i.e. peer-reviewed academic journal articles) • Descriptive papers (i.e. not critical) will receive a grade of 50% or less
Answered Same DayMay 17, 2021MGT802ICMS (International College of Management Sydney)

Answer To: Table of ContentsExecutive SummaryIntroductionFindingsConclusionRecommendationsReference...

Soumi answered on May 19 2021
145 Votes
Executive Summary
The development
of the skillset of the managers are important in order to manage the business. The development of the awareness of skills in due course of management activities are important for the long run of the business. The use of the development of the long term and the short-term goals are needed to be developed in order to reach a sustainable business environment. This encourages the employees as well as motivates them in order to serve the company.
Table of Contents
Introduction    4
Peer Coaching Analysis    4
Peer Coaching Plan    5
Recommendations    5
Conclusion    6
References    7
    The CEO of AOL, Tim Armstrong, fired the Creative Director of Patch in a conference meeting in front of 1000 workers. The incident that led to this unpleasant situation was that Abel was taking a picture of the CEO while he was speaking. The hasty decision that Tim made is not only very unpleasant for the involved individual but it also ended up destroying the company’s morale, as this type of behavior is extremely unexpected and unwelcome. This assignment aims to develop a peer-coaching plan for Tim. The peer coaching analysis and planning has been based on the self-reflection of the candidate.
Peer Coaching Analysis
    Leadership involves creating excellent examples for employees to follow and encouraging them to improve themselves in order to progress. It may be said that it is of pivotal importance for leaders to control their temper or other emotions as employees are always looking forward to their leaders in order to follow their paths. A calm and rational leader inspires employees to be calm and rational in their actions, which ultimately lead to better performance (Wirtz, Rigotti, Otto & Loeb, 2017). As a CEO, Tim must have been presenting, rational, and calm front in controlling the situation. A leadership position involves difficult decision-making. The decisions made by leaders and their actions can greatly influence the morale of the workers. In this case, however, the hasty decision made by Tim shocked the employees, as workers do not expect leaders to behave rationally. Emotional decisions can be impulsive which can compel individuals to make decisions, which are not...

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