Sydney Medical Centre (SMC) is a growing practise in Sydney. The centre has grown recently and the owner, Dr Edwin, wants to develop new information system to handle all business operation. Their current system is inadequate to provide real time information to medical staff and access to medical information and patient need to go physically to centre to retrieve their medical report. Background As IT consultant you began your systems analysis phase by conducting interviews, reviewing existing reports, and observing office operations. The SMC medical team perform service and medical procedure which are coded. Code consist of two digit suffix and seven numeric digit. The new system will provide opportunity for significant cost saving for SMC, and will help medical staff to go online and update medial information, check record and schedule appointment as well as provide convenience for patient. The clinic required various report you learned during your fact-finding exercise. • Hourly appointment report, which shows the patients who are to be reminded of their next day’s appointments. Information such as patient id, P_name, contact, appointment time, need to be recorded • Daily appointment list for each provider. Information such as scheduled appointment times, P_names, and procedure to be performed, including the code and description. • Weekly provider report that lists each of the providers and the weekly charges, plus a • Report on weekly patient statement, which includes the date, household name and contact, balance, total charges, total payments, and balance. • Monthly Insurance Company Report. Addition to all the listed report, the SMC would like automated e-mail and text messaging capability for sending patient reminders on appointment scheduling time. Finally, the new system needs to track employee schedules, vacation information and payment. For this project prepare report on type of information system, fact finding method most appropriate, system development and draw Use case diagram, DFD, ERD diagram and show their relationship. You are free to make any assumptions, but please mention them clearly in your report.