SWSP6313/3043: INTERPERSONAL, FAMILY AND STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE Trimester 3, 2021 ASSESSMENT 1: TASK SHEET TYPE: Written short answers Due date: End of Week 6, Sunday 31 st October by 11:59pm Weight: 40%...

Trimester 3, 2021
TYPE: Written short answers
Due date: End of Week 6, Sunday 31 st October by 11:59pm
Weight: 40%
Length: BA: 2,000 words in total (including in-text citations and reference list)
MA: 2,500 words in total (including in-text citations and reference list)
Analyse a case study about abuse in a contemporary relationship using your
knowledge of the unit content from weeks one to six. Watch a short film about a gay
and a lesbian couple as they fall in love. The video is called Red Flags, produced by
ACON, in 2016. Although both relationships seem beautiful at the start, there are
some warning signs, sometimes called “red flags” that should not be ignored.
Following Thao in the video, provide a cohesive response to set questions. For
background, Thao arrived in Australia with his parents from Vietnam when he was
ten years old. The family arrived under a refugee resettlement program with the UN
and Thao is the oldest son. In your answers, you should critically and sensitively
discuss Thao’s intimate relationship with Josh and apply the readings and in-class
resources from weeks 1 – 6 to his circumstances.
The application of multiple unit readings to support your analysis of Josh’s
abuse is the focus of this task.
Please note that some of the scenes in this film may cause distress. If you need to
speak to someone, contact 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 (Australia) or ACON: Q
Life (LGBTI Counselling) 1800 184 527 (3-12 pm).
Red Flags is available at any time to view:
? on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnogs40A7nA or
? on ACON’s Say It Out Loud website: https://sayitoutloud.org.au/abusive-
1. Red Flags video encourages people to think about the early signs of abuse in
intimate relationships. All abusive relationships start with red flags, which
indicate a likelihood of escalating abuse. Josh shows very concerning
behaviour towards Thao. What does his early, troubling behaviour include?
Identify, explain and discuss the different tactics of abuse and warning signs
• the Power and Control Wheel for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans
Relationships (Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, n.d.), Wk. 2,
• The Private Lives 3 report (Hill et al., 2020), Wk. 5, and
• the Warning Signs Checklist on the Say It Out Loud website
abused/warning-signs/?state=all) [Answer: 400-500 words]
2. Josh’s behaviours towards Thao are physical and non-physical and include
threats and intimidation. Abusers will often try to downplay their behaviour as
a sign of love and concern, but as time goes on, the behaviours become more
extreme. Define coercive control and describe the harm it causes according to
Stark (2012). What does the abuser seek? What is Josh’s goal? How does
domination of Thao benefit Josh? What is the ultimate consequence of Josh’s
coercive control? To answer, use and discuss the main concepts in:
• Understanding domestic violence (Danis & Bhandari, 2010), Wk. 1,
• Coercive Control (Stark, 2012), Wk. 2 [Answer: 400-500 words].
3. Early warning signs may be very subtle at first and slowly increase to full
blown abuse as the relationship goes on. What impacts is the early abuse
having on Thao? If Josh’s abusive behaviours and intimidation become more
serious and frequent, how might Thao be affected? Answer using:
• Violence against women: the hidden health burden (Heise, et al.,
1994), Wk. 3,
• Professor Jacquelyn Campbell on Recognising Violence as a Health
Problem (https://vimeo.com/hillcrestfilms), shown in class in Wk. 2
[Answer: 400-500 words].
4. Imagine you work at a mainstream domestic violence service that is LGBTQ-
inclusive, or a domestic violence service that caters only to lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender people. Thao has contacted you to get some help.
Discuss your approach to working with Thao. How will you avoid replicating
abuser dynamics? How will you build a professional relationship of trust,
professionalism, compassion and safety with Thao and avoid misusing white,
heteronormative, class etc. privilege? To answer, use:
• How White is Social Work in Australia? (Walter, et al., 2011), Wk. 3,
• Serving Queer Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence through Diversity,
Inclusion and Social Justice (Bermea et al., 2016), Wk. 5, and
• The sections on (a) Trauma-informed care and (b) Strategies for
Service Providers in the AIFS report called Intimate Partner Violence in
Australian Refugee Communities (El-Murr, A., 2018), Wk. 6 [Answer:
400-500 words].
Applying course content to a case study is an excellent way to show us what you
have learned in the unit so far. You will be marked according to your knowledge of:
? Knowledge of
o the different tactics, types, cycle of DV
o drivers (or causes) of DV
o impacts (or harms/consequences) of DV
o implications for social workers.
? Effective application of the unit texts and in-class resources to the real-life
case study
? Clarity, focus and quality of your writing, well developed arguments, correct
use of APA 7 th .
Please use the word document below as your template. This assessment should be
uploaded to the online classroom with a cover sheet on time, as a word file. Do not
email it to me. Do not upload as a PDF or in a note file.
You should rely on the readings and resources provided during the first half of this
unit. Resources provided in class, such as TedTalks or Vimeos by recognised
experts in the field of domestic violence, are counted as readings. You do not need
to conduct outside research for this assessment beyond citing the Say It Out Loud
website and the video’s website on Youtube. So, in total, you need TWELVE
references: TEN unit readings (or in-class resources) and TWO video references.
You must always use your own words and analysis and cite other people’s work
properly using APA 7 th edition. The university does not permit plagiarism whatsoever.
Your assessment will be checked via Turnitin. You must properly cite all your
sources and use your own words to avoid any possible plagiarism. It is your
responsibility to familiarise yourself with the ACAP guidance on academic integrity
through the library and university website.
All readings and videos must be cited correctly in your short answers. A correctly
formatted Reference List should be on a new page at the end of your document. You
should use APA 7 th edition to reference. ACAP’s academic writing hub has
information to help you with referencing. Please be familiar with the 7 th edition.
You will receive feedback on your work through the online Moodle. Please be
patient. We’ll mark your paper and return it with feedback as quickly as possible,
within two weeks of the submission date. We will provide feedback to help you
understand what you did well and how can improve for the final assessment.
ACAP referencing overview: https://sls.navitas-professional.edu.au/referencing-
ASSESSMENT 1: Written short answers
By [your name & student number]
Red Flags
1. Red Flags video encourages people to think about the early signs of abuse in
intimate relationships. All abusive relationships start with red flags, which indicate
a likelihood of escalating abuse. Josh shows very concerning behaviour towards
Thao. What does his early, troubling behaviour include? Identify, explain and
discuss the different tactics of abuse using:
• the Power and Control Wheel for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans
Relationships (Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, n.d.), Wk. 2,
• The Private Lives 3 report (Hill et al., 2020), Wk. 5, and
• the Warning Signs Checklist on the Say It Out Loud website
abused/warning-signs/?state=all) [Answer: 400-500 words]
2. Josh’s behaviours towards Thao are physical and non-physical and include
threats and intimidation. Abusers will often try to downplay their behaviour as a
sign of love and concern, but as time goes on, the behaviours become more
extreme. Define coercive control and describe the harms it causes according to
Stark (2012). What does the abuser seek? What is Josh’s goal? How does
domination of Thao benefit Josh? What is the ultimate consequence of Josh’s
coercive control? To answer, use and discuss the main concepts in:
• Understanding domestic violence (Danis & Bhandari, 2010), Wk. 1,
• Coercive Control (Stark, 2012), Wk. 2 [Answer: 400-500 words].
3. Early warning signs may be very subtle at first and slowly increase to full blown
abuse as the relationship goes on. What impacts is the early abuse having on
Thao? If Josh’s abusive behaviours and intimidation become more serious and
frequent, how might Thao be affected? Answer using:
• Violence against women: the hidden health burden (Heise, et al., 1994),
Wk. 3,
• Professor Jacquelyn Campbell on Recognising Violence as a Health
Problem (https://vimeo.com/hillcrestfilms), shown in class in Wk. 2
[Answer: 400-500 words].
4. Imagine you work at a mainstream domestic violence service that is LGBTQ-
inclusive, or a domestic violence service that caters only to lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender people. Thao has contacted you to get some help. Discuss your
approach to working with Thao. How will you avoid replicating abuser dynamics?
How will you build a professional relationship of trust, professionalism,
compassion and safety with Thao and avoid misusing white, heteronormative,
class etc. privilege? To answer, use:
• How White is Social Work in Australia? (Walter, et al., 2011), Wk. 3,
• Serving Queer Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence through Diversity,
Inclusion and Social Justice (Bermea et al., 2016), Wk. 5, and
• The sections on (a) Trauma-informed care and (b) Strategies for Service
Providers in the AIFS report called Intimate Partner Violence in Australian
Refugee Communities (El-Murr, A., 2018), Wk. 6 [Answer: 400-500
Reference list
[Delete this line before submitting. Your reference list needs a new page. We will
expect to see TEN unit readings or in-class resources referenced here using APA 7 th
edition format, as well as TWO video-specific references.]
May 23, 2022

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