Sway is a digital storytelling app. Create a Sway resume to share the skills, job experiences, and achievements you have that match the requirements of a future job interest. Perform the following...

Sway is a digital storytelling app. Create a Sway resume to share the skills, job experiences,

and achievements you have that match the requirements of a future job interest.

Perform the following tasks:

a. Create a new presentation in Sway to use as a digital resume. Title the Sway

Storyline with your full name and then select a background image.

b. Create three separate sections titled
Academic Background, Work Experience, and
Skills, and insert text, a picture,

and a paragraph or bulleted points in each section. Be sure to include your own picture.

c. Add a fourth section that includes a video about your school that you _nd online.

d. Customize the design of your presentation.

e. Submit your assignment link in the format speci_ed by your instructor.

May 19, 2022

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