Suppose you were offered a job in which you would work 8 hours per day for 5 workdays per week for 1 month at hard manual labor. Your pay the first day would be 1 penny. On the second day your pay...

Suppose you were offered a job in which you would work 8 hours per day for 5 workdays per week for 1 month at hard manual labor. Your pay the first day would be 1 penny. On the second day your pay would be two pennies; the third day 4 pennies. Your pay would double on each successive workday. There are 22 workdays in the month. There will be no sick days. If you miss a day of work, there is no pay or pay increase. How much do you get paid if you work all 22 days? How much do you get paid for the 22nd workday? What risks do you run if you take this job offer? Would you take the job?

May 19, 2022

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