Suppose you wanted to study the records of patients who were admitted into the health care facility with the same condition. Is there a relationship between the number of lab tests run during the...

Suppose you wanted to study the records of patients who were admitted into the

health care facility with the same condition. Is there a relationship between the

number of lab tests run during the patient’s stay in the facility, the income of the

patient (measured in thousands of dollars), and the number of lab tests run before

the patient was admitted to the facility? To simplify the problem, presume that

lab tests prior to admission are independent of lab tests during a patient’s stay in

the health care facility. The hypothetical data for 15 patients are presented in

Fig. 7.11.

(a) create an Excel spreadsheet using LAB TESTS DURING STAY as the

criterion (Y), and the other variables as the two predictors of this criterion.

(b) Use Excel’s multiple regression function to find the relationship between

these variables and place it below the table.

(c) Use number format (2 decimal places) for the multiple correlation on the

Summary Output, and use number format (three decimal places) for the

coefficients and all other decimal figures in the Summary Output.

(d) Print the table and regression results below the table so that they fit onto

one page.

(e) By hand on this printout, circle and label:

(1a) multiple correlation Rxy

(2b) coefficients for the y-intercept, INCOME, and LAB TESTS BEFORE


(f) Save this file as: TESTS10

(g) Now, go back to your Excel file and create a correlation matrix for these

three variables, and place it underneath the Summary Table. Change each

correlation to just two decimals. Save this file again as: TESTS10

(h) Now, print out just this correlation matrix in portrait mode on a separate

sheet of paper.

May 19, 2022

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