Suppose that, in Self-Test Question 19, we change the value of number from 42 to −99. How would this change affect the output? Although an exception class normally carries only a string message, you...

Suppose that, in Self-Test Question 19, we change the value of number

from 42 to −99. How would this change affect the output?

Although an exception class normally carries only a string message, you

can define exception classes to carry a message of any type. You can give

your exception class instance variables and methods. For example, objects

of the following type can also carry an int “message,” as well as a string


public class IntException extends Exception


private int intMessage;

public IntException()


super("IntException thrown!");


public IntException(String message)


super(message + " " + message);


public IntException(int number)


super("IntException thrown!");

intMessage = number;


public int getNumber()





What output would be produced by the following unlikely code?

IntException e = new IntException(42);



May 19, 2022

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