SUPPORTING INFORMATION ON ESSAY The learning outcomes for MOD005420 can be understood in the following ways: Based on your clinical experience consider health promotion strategies which are currently...

SUPPORTING INFORMATION ON ESSAY The learning outcomes for MOD005420 can be understood in the following ways: Based on your clinical experience consider health promotion strategies which are currently in place for diabetes, CHD, HIV, COPD, Smoking, Obesity etc. to the following outcomes PART 1 CONTENT (APPROX. 3000) 1. Analyse the significance of theories and models of health promotion demonstrating an understanding of health experiences and behaviours of individual populations. You may wish to consider the following: • Health Belief Model-HBM. • Theory of Planned Behaviour-TPB. • Health Action Process Approach-HAPA. • Trans-Theoretical Model-TTM. • Social Model of Health-SMH. • 2. Analyse evidence based strategies to meet public health/health promotion needs from an international context. Choose a model of health promotion (that is relevant to the chosen topic) and analyse how effective at promoting health the model is- this can be achieved by comparing two models by considering their advantages and disadvantages of promoting health. 3. Analyse the role of the nurse, as part of the inter-professional team, in promoting the health and wellbeing of the service user in different health care settings. Analyse how nurses can be leaders in health promotion. Consider the skills of the nurses and how these can be used to change behaviour. PART 2 CONTENT 4. Critically review inequalities in health and well-being of an individual and analyse the impact of health and social care policies and legislation on the provision of care. 5. Critically discuss the factors and variables of the complex nature of health and the factors influencing it. 6. Reflect upon incidents in practice demonstrating an awareness of the bio-psycho-social and cultural needs of an individual or group requiring health promotion/health education. The remainder of part 2 content should include (APPROX. 1500): It is very important that whilst discussing your proposed service improvement, the following theoretical aspects are discussed and applied to your initiative.  Change and change management.  Accountability and responsibility for change.  Leadership and management skills.  Professional/inter-professional collaboration. It is anticipated that you would discuss each of these key principles from a theoretical perspective and then attempt to apply these to your proposed initiative. For example, you might discuss the various styles of leadership from a theoretical perspective and then go on to discuss which particular style would best suit the successful implementation of your service improvement initiative. This section is your opportunity to provide a detailed and critical review of the management of change associated with your proposal using the literature to support your discussion. Note: The assessment must be submitted as ONE complete file. Do not attempt to submit the different elements of the work individually. ‘EASY REFERENCE’ PROPOSED STRUCTURE FOR SUBMISSION 1. FRONT PAGE- TITLE OF THE ESSAY, SID AND TOTAL WORD COUNT. 2. CONTENTS PAGE 3. PART 1 4. PART 2 5. CONCLUSION 6. REFERENCE LIST- Must follow Harvard system only. 7. APPENDIX 1- Service Improvement Plan my topic will be promoting health literacy in the diabetic patients in Saudi Arabia

Oct 07, 2019

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