Summative assessment task 2 - Individual Brief description of assessment task Students will work individually to develop health promotion plan from health topics chosen by the student (THE SEXUAL...

 Summative assessment task 2 - Individual Brief description of assessment task Students will work individually to develop health promotion plan from health topics chosen by the student (THE SEXUAL HEALTH NEEDS OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AT DEAKIN UNIVERSITY) Detail of student output 3000 words plus 200 word reflection Weight (% total mark for unit) 60% Unit Learning Outcome(s) assessed: When successfully completing this task, students will have demonstrated an understanding of the theories behind health promotion program planning and demonstrate steps required in planning and effective health promotion program using a planning framework (ULO1). Students will gather data to develop and present a health promotion program plan in a written format as if writing a grant (ULO 3). Deakin Graduate Learning Outcome(s) (GLO) assessed: In this assignment, students will learn discipline specific knowledge related to health promotion program planning (GLO1). They will develop a health promotion program in response to the finding of a real life needs assessment (GLO 5) and communicate these plans as if a representative of a program working for a health promotion program (GLO2). Students will use digital technologies (internet) to identify relevant literature to their problem and best practices solutions (GLO3). Students will demonstrate critical thinking as they develop program interventions based on needs assessment and best practices (GLO4). Students will be able to select health topics from anywhere in the world (GLO8). What early feedback will student get, how and when? - Blackboard Collaborate classes - Live classes (Burwood students) - CloudDeakin Discussion Board for Assessment Task - Exemplar of Completed Work - Explanation of assignment and marking rubric via narrated PowerPoint Due date and form of submission ALL STUDENTS: 19 October, 2016 Online Drop Box In this assignment, you will present a proposal for a health promotion program based on a health topic of your choice. You can choose a population anywhere in the world on a topic of interest to you. The project will be for approximately $200,000 over three years (or if you are working on a real topic for your work, you can adjust this to suit your work situation – just mention this in the introduction). 1. Select whether your proposal represents a community based organization, a local health department, or some other organization (check with lecturer to make sure it’s ok). 2. The proposal will be written like a grant application, and should be written up using the following sections, which reflect what grants often look like. a. Project Title (e.g. Accident Prevention Program for School Children in Southern Tasmania) – good to include the health problem, target population, and geographic location. Some people make up a catch phrase that goes at the beginning e.g. Keeping Safe: Accident Prevention Program for School Children in Southern Tasmania b. Introduction: provide an overview of your organization (who you are – can be real or made up), the funding requested, the time frame, and the general strategies you are proposing (list them). c. Problem Statement: Provide an overview of the problem you are addressing, and in what risk group and geographic location d. Background and significance of the problem i. Literature review ii. Local Needs assessment data (you may need to make up some of this data if you don’t have real local data from an existing source – see sample assignment for how to do this and class topic). You may actually find other real local needs assessment data for your topic, and this is perfectly fine to use and reference as real data. e. Project Summary i. Vision ii. Goals iii. Objectives - make sure they are SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time limited. f. Project Description (list the specific strategies to be used, providing references supporting the approaches that you have chosenor say that you are piloting a new strategy and quote the needs assessment data supporting this) g. Target population (whom the project will serve and geographic area, specify the number of people to be served for each strategy) h. Partners – list them (and a few words about what they will contribute in the implementation of this project). i. Other similar activities – list other organizations working on this problem in your same area and population and pinpoint how your project will fill a gap or how you will coordinate with other organizations not to overlap (this doesn’t need to be an exhaustive list – do the best you can to gather some basic information on this) j. Measure of success – how will you evaluate if the program has been a success? Simple process and impact evaluation measures. k. Sustainability – how do you plan to sustain the project after the funds have been spent? What activities or strategies have you developed that will help sustain this program? l. Create a simple Program Logic diagram outlining your program and inserting all of the information you have laid out above. m. Budget – Simple budget (direct and indirect costs) n. Reflection (200 words) - about what planning models you thought had the greatest strengths and which you might think about using in the future. Also reflect on what this grant writing experience was like for you and how you might use it in your future work. 3. Literature/referencing for this assignment will be used in the background of the problem as well as when talking about best practices for why strategies have been selected (use Harvard; youare expected to cite at least 20 sources outside of class readings in this assignment, and make sure the sources are respectable – peer reviewed journals, academic books, highly regarded organizational reports such as WHO or Australian Institute of Health and Welfare). Remember that you can go over the word limit by 10% before being penalized. The final grades, combining the results of Assignments 1 and 2 will be determined as follows: High Distinction 80-100% Distinction 70-79% Credit 60-69% Pass 50-59% Fail 0-49% *** NOTE: Please run your assignments through Turnitin to make sure you avoid any problems with plagiarism. Let the lecturer know if you need assistance in using this. You can also take classes and online tutorials through the university to learn how to use this helpful software. Even the lecturers use it when checking their writing for publication. It’s a great tool.

Oct 07, 2019

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