Sum of My Winnings Code in C language by CodeChum AdminE Run Tests3 - int main(void) {int winnings [100]I've joined a lot of programming competitions and since I've been4learning programming in...

Sum of My Winnings

Code in C language

Tests<br>Executions<br>main.c<br>3. Sum of My Winnings<br>1 #include<stdio.h><br>by CodeChum Admin<br>E Run Tests<br>3 - int main(void) {<br>int winnings [100]<br>I've joined a lot of programming competitions and since I've been<br>4<br>learning programming in CodeChum, I won a lot of them!<br>Test Cases<br>But now, since l'm tired, I need your help to count all of my winnings.<br>Can you help me please? I promise to share some of it with you.<br>14,16,2<br>O Test Casel Hidden<br>10<br>Instructions:<br>1. In the code editor, you are provided with an array which<br>contains 100 elements.<br>12,98,15,1<br>};<br>2. Your task is to compute and print the sum of all of the elements.<br>15<br>16<br>17<br>// TODO: Compute and print the sum of all the winnings here<br>18<br>Output<br>19<br>return 0;<br>20 }<br>Total = 100<br>

Extracted text: Tests Executions main.c 3. Sum of My Winnings 1 #include by CodeChum Admin E Run Tests 3 - int main(void) { int winnings [100] I've joined a lot of programming competitions and since I've been 4 learning programming in CodeChum, I won a lot of them! Test Cases But now, since l'm tired, I need your help to count all of my winnings. Can you help me please? I promise to share some of it with you. 14,16,2 O Test Casel Hidden 10 Instructions: 1. In the code editor, you are provided with an array which contains 100 elements. 12,98,15,1 }; 2. Your task is to compute and print the sum of all of the elements. 15 16 17 // TODO: Compute and print the sum of all the winnings here 18 Output 19 return 0; 20 } Total = 100

Jun 08, 2022

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