Substance abuse has always been a problem at colleges and universities. However, some are alarmed by the recent misuse of prescription medication and by the legalization of marijuana in some states....

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Substance abuse has always been a problem at colleges and universities. However, some are alarmed by the recent misuse of prescription medication and by the legalization of marijuana in some states. Many businesses are concerned that substance abuse will impact them if graduates (future employees) have developed a pattern of substance abuse while still in college. An article reported that 46% of U.S. college students have been involved in some type of substance abuse.

Substance abuse has been a concern of the president of Rocky University for several years. Some faculty members in the university believe that substance abuse is more widespread at Rocky than at other universities, while other faculty members think that substance abuse is not a major problem in the college. To resolve some of these issues, the president of the university commissioned a study to assess the current substance abuse behavior of students at Rocky. As part of this study, an anonymous exit survey was administered to a sample of 90 students from this year’s graduating class. Responses to the following questions were used to obtain data regarding three types of substance abuse.

  1. During your time at Rocky, did you ever participate in binge drinking?
    ____ Yes
    ____ No

  1. During your time at Rocky, did you ever abuse prescription medication?
    ____ Yes
    ____ No

  1. During your time at Rocky, did you ever use any type of illegal or illicit drug (not included in questions 1 or 2)?
    ____ Yes
    ____ No

Any student who answered yes to one or more of these questions was considered to have been involved in some type of substance abuse. The complete data set is in the file named
Abuse,linked at the bottom of the page.

Managerial Report

Prepare a report (see below) for the president of the university that summarizes your assessment of the nature of substance abuse by students at Rocky University. Be sure to include the following seven (7) items in your report.

  1. To summarize the data, compute the proportion of all students, the proportion of all male students, and the proportion of all female students who

    1. Participated in binge drinking.

    2. Abused prescription medication.

    3. Used illegal or illicit drugs.
      Then comment on your findings.

  2. Develop 90% confidence intervals for the proportion of all students, the proportion of all male students, and the proportion of all female students who were involved in some type of substance abuse.

  3. Develop 90% confidence intervals for the proportion of all students, the proportion of all male students, and the proportion of all female students who participated in binge drinking.

  4. Develop 90% confidence intervals for the proportion of all students, the proportion of all male students, and the proportion of all female students who abused prescription medication.

  5. Develop 90% confidence intervals for the proportion of all students, the proportion of all male students, and the proportion of all female students who used illegal or illicit drugs.

  6. Conduct a hypothesis test (using either the p-value approach or the critical value approach) to determine if the proportion of all students at Rocky University who were not involved in some type of substance abuse is less than that of all U.S. students elsewhere. Use a = 0.10.
    Do not forget to include the correctly worded hypotheses.

  7. What advice would you give to the president of the university based upon your analysis of the data? What is the magnitude of the issue? What would you recommend for both students and faculty? What is the potential impact on relationships with the business community and what would you recommend? How can this study be improved?

Write a report that adheres to the Written Assignment

  • A title page in APA style.

  • An introduction that summarizes the problem.

  • The body of the paper should answer the questions posed in the problem by communicating the results of your analysis. Include results of calculations, as well as charts and graphs, where appropriate.

  • A conclusion paragraph that addresses your findings and what you have determined from the data and your analysis.

  • In-text citations from a minimum of three sources in addition to your textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to locate these sources.

  • A reference page.

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Answered Same DayDec 25, 2021

Answer To: Substance abuse has always been a problem at colleges and universities. However, some are alarmed by...

Robert answered on Dec 25 2021
129 Votes
Substance Abuse amongst Students at Rocky University

Substance Abuse amongst
Students at Rocky
Statistical Research
Student Name:
University Name:
One of the persistent problems of various universities in US is the menace of substance
abuse. This has particularly become a wor
risome matter ever since marijuana has been
legalized in certain states. The businesses are rightly concerned about the impact of
substance if the recruits tend to develop the habit of substance abuse during their university
education (Mendenhall & Beaver, 2012) A report in this regard suggest that almost half of the
college going students in US have experienced some sought of substance abuse which is truly
In the backdrop, there are concerns about substance abuse amongst students who are studying
at Rocky University. However, this concern has been present since years at Rocky as
professors fear that substance abuse problem is worse than the national average of 46% in
US. For resolution of the above issues, a study has been commissioned by the University’s
president to understand the extent of this problem amongst Rocky University students (Smith,
2014). The given report presents the findings of this study conducted on a sample of 90
students at Rocky University. Statistical tools and techniques have been deployed so as to
infer conclusion about the population of college students at Rocky University (Mendenhall &
Beaver, 2012).
Determination of proportions
Based on the given sample, the first step is to determine the proportion of students according
to gender those who indulge in various kinds of substance abuse. The relevant data from the
given set of data and information is highlighted below:
Involved in
Prescription Med.
or Marijuana
Used Illegal Drugs
Number of
females 43 9 15 15
Number of
males 47 9 12 7
Total 90 18 27 22
The proportion table for females, males and total students are as highlighted below:
Proportion Involved in Binge
Abused Prescription
Med. or Marijuana
Used Illegal Drugs
= 9/43
= 0.20
= 0.34
= 0.14
Total Proportion =18/(43+47)
1. The respective proportion table for the all students, male and females, who are involved
in some kind of substance abuse is computed from the given data set and illustrate below:
Proportion Number of students involved
in some kind of substance
Proportion of involving in some kind of
substance abuse
(Binge Drinking,
Abused Prescription Med. or Marijuana,
Used Illegal Drugs)
Total Students
44 =44 /90
24 =24/43
Males 20 =20/47
Determination of Confidence Intervals of Mean
 90% confidence interval for mean proportion of all students
Sample size = 90
Sample population p = 0.488
z value for 90% confidence intervals = 1.645
Confidence interval for mean proportion = √

= √

The lower limit for 90% confidence interval = 0.488 = 0.401
The upper limit for 90% confidence interval =
 90% confidence intervals for mean proportion of all females students
Sample size = 43
Sample population p = 0.55
z value for 90% confidence intervals = 1.645

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