SUBJECT:SOFTWARE ENGINEERING I NEED THE ANSWER QUICKLY Q3. Consider the use-case description and domain model, which shows the navigability of the associations, for the video sales and rental shop...



Q3. Consider the use-case description and domain model, which shows the navigability of the associations, for the video sales and rental shop application.  Using only one boundary class, one control class and any of the entity classes specified in the domain model. Write the flow of events analysis for this use case and construct a sequence diagram that shows the objects required to realize this use case and the messages that are passed among the objects. State any assumptions that you need to make. Flow of events for Reserve Video (Staff scenario) Use Case Analysis:

1. The ReserveVideo Ul object displays the screen for reserving a video.

2. The user enters the member number and the movie ID.

3. The ReserveVideoUI asks the ReserveVideoMgr to reserve the indicated video

. 4. Tile ReserveVideoMgr gets the list of rental copies for the movie from the MovieVideo object.

5. The ReserveVideoMgr searches through the list of rental copies for an available one.

6. The ReserveVideoMgr asks the available Rental object to reserve itself for the member.

7. The ReserveVideMgr informs the Member object of the new reservation.


I. Since we are only given the movielD as an input value, we need to identify the rental copies for a movie via its associated MovieVideo object, which knows about all of its rental copies by way of the association has between MovieVideo and RentalCopy.

2. Since not all copies of a video may be available for rental (either rented already or reserved), we need to search: for au available copy. Since this is the basic path. We assun1e that the search succeeds in finding an ava11lable copy.

3. Since the navigability of the Reserve association is bi directional, it is necessary for the Member object to be informed off the fact that a new video has been reserved

Jun 10, 2022

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