SUBJECT: HEALTH VARIATION 5There is a word limit of 1500 words (500 words for each question). Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count. In-text citations will be included in the additional10% wordcount. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 1500words plus 10%.
Aim of assessmentThe aim of this assessment is for students to;
- outline and explainhow the multidisciplinary team can meet the the care needs of a palliative person and their family
- evaluate support strategies for a palliative persons family or carers
- considerways to provide coordinated, integrated palliative care reflecting the palliative persons wishes.
DetailsShort answer case studyMr Jock Jagger, a 67-year-old male has been transferred from the Emergency Department to the Medical ward. His wife brought him in to hospital from home as she no longer felt comfortable managing her husband’s increasing back pain and was worried about malnutrition as Jock had not eaten for two days.On admission to the ward the clinical manifestations were:• Pain score 6/10• Mild restlessness• Nausea• Dry mouthMr Jagger has a history of bowel cancer and had aggressive treatment 12 years ago. Three (3) months ago, he noticed he was becoming increasingly lethargic, after investigations he was diagnosed with stage 4 (metastatic) bowel cancer and has opted for no further treatment and to focus on managing his symptoms.Whilst examining Mr Jagger, you chat about being cared for at home and he explains that he wishes to return home, he agreed to come to hospital because his wife is worried about caring for him as he continues to deteriorate. His Advanced Care Plan does outline his wish to stay home but he does not wish to burden his wife.Short answer questions1. Outline and explain the delivery of comprehensive care for Mr Jagger who wants to return home. Your answer should include the role of the multidisciplinary team using a palliative approach. (500 words)Things you could consider :a) how can the multidisciplinary team work together to facilitate MR. jagger return home from the hospital?b) what factors should be considered in the discussion with the multididciplinary team? eg: advance care planningc) which multidisciplinary team members could be incolved in planning and arranging mr jagger return home?d) refer to case study in your discussion
2. Evaluate two strategies to support families and carers who are providing end of life care. (500 words).
THIGS YOU COULD CONSIDER:a) How can mrs jagger be supported while providing end of life care in her home ?b) explain two different support strategies and evaluate both , i.e the positive / potential negetives of each strategy
3. Consider ways to provide coordinated, integrated palliative care that takes into account Mr and Mrs Jagger’s wishes. (500 words).thigs you could consider here :a) include mr and mrs jagger wishes from the case studyb) which multidisciplinary team members could be involved in the care at home ?c) how can they work together to ensure their wishes are taken into account?d) give examples of palliative care that can be given at home that could address their wishes eg: pain management strategy .APA 7 STYLE REFERENCES / INCLUDE INTEXT CITATION TO SUPPORT YOUR EVALUATION.