Subject Code and Title PUBH6003: Health Systems and Economics Assessment Assessment 2: Case Study Individual/Group Part A:Group presentation Part B:Individual written submission Length Part A:20...

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Subject Code and Title

PUBH6003: Health Systems and Economics


Assessment 2: Case Study


Part A:Group presentation
Part B:Individual written submission


Part A:20 minute group presentation and submission of presentation

Part B:Case Study Summary 1,000 words (+/- 10%)

Learning Outcomes

This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:

  • Understand the core competencies of public health workers, and how public health competencies can be fostered

  • Understand the rationale for and development of universal health coverage.

  • Analyse public health expenditure estimation strategies

  • Understand the role of government regulation of the healthcare sector


Part A:Group Presentation due Week 11 in class
Part B:Due Sunday following the end of Module 6.1 in

week 11 at 11:55pm AEST/AEDT.

For 6 week intensive class:
Part A:Group Presentation due Week 6 in class

Part B:Due Sunday following the end of Module 6.1 in week 6 at 11:55pm AEST/AEDT.


Total – 50% consisting of:Part A:25%
Part B:25%

Total Marks

100 marks

PUBH6003_Assessment 2 Brief


The opportunity to research a particular country’s healthcare system will facilitate understanding of the interdependent relationship between economics, health care and public health. You can begin to get an understanding of the way a country perceives health and well---being by examining the areas to which resources are allocated, how efficiently they are managed, and how effective they are in terms of health care outcomes.


Select a public health system in a country of your choosing (other than your own).

Part A: Group Presentation
Assessment Description:
In a small group of 3 to 4 students prepare your presentation, discuss the following issues:

  1. How the public health system is both organised and funded. As part of this, describe the following:

    1. (a) The percentage of Gross Domestic Product spent upon health and how this

      compares with Australia (or another country);

    2. (b) Where the money to fund this system comes from;

    3. (c) How expenditures for public health services, including prevention

      programs, are estimated.

    4. (d) What the mix of public and private expenditure and services is;

    5. (e) Whether a proportion of funding comes from development assistance for

      health or any form of innovative financing;

    6. (f) The underlying trends (demographic, changes in treatment, or technology)

      which help to explain expenditure;

    7. (g) The extent to which health coverage is universal.

    8. (h) Any economic levers that are used, or could be used, to achieve better health

      outcomes in your chosen country.

  2. How your chosen country performs in terms of the key elements or building blocks of the health system (as identified by WHO 2007; 2009) e.g. are there key workforce shortages in a particular profession and how might imbalances be addressed; and is the workforce appropriately trained to develop core competencies?

PUBH6003_Assessment 2 Brief

3.Explain what cost---benefit analysis and cost---effectiveness analysis are and how they could be used to assist with resource allocation in relation to analysing the health system (you are not expected to perform the analysis, but you are required to understand these key concepts and say how you might go about the analysis). Additionally, describe a potential health system reform you could implement in your chosen country to improve weaknesses in the system.

Part B: Individual Case Study Summary

In 1000 words (+/- 10%), write a summary of the key points from the three sections of Part A.

This should include a concise summary of:

  • How the public health system is both organised and funded

  • How your chosen country performs in terms of the WHO’s key building blocks of the

    health system

  • A potential health system reform you could implement in your chosen country to improve

    weaknessesin the system

    Note:This is an individual assessment and students must work independently to create their own individual work

    Submission Instructions:
    Submit via theAssessment 2 –link in Assessment on main navigation menu in Blackboard

    Other issues

    On Campus students:

    How will the groups be set up?

    Your lecturer will assign the groups. Groups will be formed in blackboard for each group.

    Should we submit our presentation on blackboard?

    Yes, the presentation slides should be submitted on blackboard after the presentation has been given in class

PUBH6003_Assessment 2 Brief

What if I can’t make it to class when my group are due to present?

If you have any unforeseen circumstances in week 11 (for example, illness or emergency), your group will have the option to give the presentation in week 12.

If these circumstances still prevent you attending in week 12, your group can present
their sections and you can have the option, for your section, of recording your voice to powerpoint slides and submitting this online.

How do we make sure everyone contributes?

You should all contribute evenly to the preparation and delivery of the presentation.
You will be provided with a peer evaluation form which you will submit with your presentation on blackboard.
This forms asks you to specify the contribution of group members.
If you have any concerns prior to this about group member contribution, in the first instance,
you should attempt to resolve this in your group.
If this is not successful, speak to your lecturer.
If a student does not contribute at all towards preparing the presentation and does not show up in week 11 or 12 without an adequate reason, they will not receive a mark for the presentation.

How will the marks be distributed?

If all group members contribute evenly towards preparation and delivery of the presentation,
they will all receive the same mark.
Variations to this will depend upon whether there is disagreement about the contribution of group members.

Such disagreements should be documented in the peer review form, and discussed with your lecturer. The lecturer will determine mark distribution depending upon relative contribution of group members.

Online students:

How will the groups be set up?

Your lecturer will assign the groups. Groups will be formed in blackboard for each group.
As online students, it is your responsibility to be in contact with each other and organise how to undertake the task
and divide responsibilities.

How should we submit our presentation?

You should submit your presentation on blackboard by Sunday of week 11.
Your presentation should consist of powerpoint slides with voice recordings for each slide.
Your recordings should add up to 15 minutes.
Your lecturer can provide some instructions how to record audio material to slides.
You are welcome to explore other ways to add audio and/or video content (optional) to slides. All group members should contribute towards the preparation and delivery (via voice recording) of the presentation.

PUBH6003_Assessment 2 Brief

How do we make sure everyone contributes?

You should all contribute evenly to the preparation and delivery of the presentation.
You will be provided with a peer evaluation form which you will submit with your presentation on blackboard.
This forms asks you to specify the contribution of group members.
If you have any concerns prior to this about group member contribution, in the first instance,
you should attempt to resolve this in your group.
If this is not successful, contact your lecturer.
If a student does not contribute at all towards preparing the presentation
and does not contribute to recording audio content for the presentation, they will not receive a mark.

How will the marks be distributed?

If all group members contribute evenly towards preparation and delivery of the presentation,
they will all receive the same mark.
Variations to this will depend upon whether there is disagreement about the contribution of group members.

Such disagreements should be documented in the peer review form, and discussed with your lecturer. The lecturer will determine mark distribution depending upon relative contribution of group members.

Assessment criteria:

Demonstrates the ability to interpret and analyse relevant concepts and literature on universal health coverage, health systems, core competencies in public health and cost---benefit analysis and cost---effectiveness analysis. (30%)

Demonstrates the ability to apply knowledge and understanding of health systems and core competencies in public health to a case example. (15%)

Critical analysis of key health system issues for the selected country. (20%)

Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the principles of health economics including health expenditure estimation, resource allocation issues, economic levers and equity considerations. (10%)

Understanding and analysis of equity principles in health economics. (10%) Addresses

General assessment criteria: (15%)

  • Uses key readings and shows evidence of reading beyond the key reading.

  • There is a lucid introduction and clear conclusion or summary

  • Complies with normal academic of referencing and bibliographical details (including reference list, use APA style).

  • Is written clearly with accurate spelling, grammar and sentence and paragraph construction.

PUBH6003_Assessment 2 Brief

Marking Rubric:

Assessment Attributes

0-34 (Fail 2 – F2)


35-49 (Fail 1 – F1)


50-64 (Pass -P)


65-74 (Credit - CR)


75-84 (Distinction – DN)


85-100 (High Distinction – HD)


Grade Description (Grading Scheme)

Evidence of unsatisfactory achievement of one or more of the learning objectives of the subject, insufficient understanding of the subject content and/or unsatisfactory level of skill development.

Evidence of satisfactory achievement of subject learning objectives, the development of relevant skills to a competent level, and adequate interpretation and critical analysis skills.

Evidence of a good level of understanding, knowledge and skill development in relation to the content of the subject or work of a superior quality on the majority of the learning objectives of the subject. Demonstration of a high level of interpretation and critical analysis skills.

Evidence of a high level of achievement of the learning objectives of the subject demonstrated in such areas as interpretation and critical analysis, logical argument, use of methodology and communication skills.

Evidence of an exceptional level of achievement of learning objectives across the entire content of the course demonstrated in such areas as interpretation and critical analysis, logical argument, creativity, originality, use of methodology and communication skills.

Knowledge and understanding

Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the principles of health economics including health expenditure estimation, resource allocation issues, economic levers and equity considerations. (10%)

Understanding and analysis of equity principles in health

Answered 3 days AfterApr 28, 2021

Answer To: Subject Code and Title PUBH6003: Health Systems and Economics Assessment Assessment 2: Case Study...

Somashree answered on May 01 2021
142 Votes
PUBH6003: Health Systems and Economics
Assessment 2: Case Study
Part B: Individual written submission
The healthcare system in New Zealand is mostly (80%) financed by the government through general taxation (Commonwealth Fund, 2020). It is noted that approximately 2
0 District Health Boards (DHBs) are responsible for purchasing, governing and generating health and disability services to the target population (Ministry of Health NZ, 2021). Additionally, primary, as well as tertiary hospitals are operated by the DHBs, whereas, the community services are bought from private providers. Thus, the primary healthcare is funded by DHBs and they are responsible for the recruitment of general practitioners and several other non-government providers. District alliances were formed between DHBs and Public Health Organizations (PHOs) in 2009 to strengthen and maintain system integration.
On the other hand, it is evident that individuals can purchase health insurance in New Zealand from the private sector over relying extensively on public-funded services (New Zealand Now, 2021). This is possible due to the country’s dual public-private health system (Penno et al., 2021, p. 406). On the contrary, the financial boundaries between the private and public sectors are not highly established. This highlights that the individuals who have received private services are likely to embrace follow-up care from the public health system, thereby, transferring costs to the public sector efficiently and effectively. The universal health coverage system works effectively in New Zealand. Based on the Social Security Act in 1938, the people of New Zealand realized that government plays a pivotal role in addressing the healthcare needs of the population (NZHistory, 2020).
The government decides the publicly-funded annual health budget (Cumming, 2017). Moreover, it is responsible for designing the healthcare service standards, as well as the healthcare policy agenda. The government develops the annual budget and benefit plan, which are initially determined by the health needs and political goals. The government has also developed national standards concerning publicly supported care that is reinforced across the country. The government-owned hospitals are responsible for generating community services. On the other hand, private providers follow the government standards, services and goals to offer high-quality services to the population.
Besides this, it is noted that government-funded agencies dominate New Zealand's governance system as the health system is largely public. However, some agencies work independently of the central government such as the Health and Disability Commissioner, which emphasizes consumers' rights in the health sector (HDC, 2021). Additionally, the Ministry...

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