style class="box1" text-transfer id="box1" [ posotion porder style-font border position text-transform text-align styles |align-text ] ] font-style Fill in the missing HTML tag by dragging the correct...

11style class=
posotion porder style-font border position text-transform text-align styles |align-text ] ] font-style Fill in the missing HTML tag by dragging the correct HTML tag or attribute or CSS property to the right place in the following: Q11 type="text/css"> #box1{ :Fixed; width:500px; double blue 4px;} :italic} h2 {color: red; :center; :uppercase;}

Sample text

This is a sample text inside box1

Extracted text: style class="box1" text-transfer id="box1" [ posotion porder style-font border position text-transform text-align styles |align-text ] ] font-style Fill in the missing HTML tag by dragging the correct HTML tag or attribute or CSS property to the right place in the following: Q11 type="text/css"> #box1{ :Fixed; width:500px; double blue 4px;} :italic} h2 {color: red; :center; :uppercase;} <body> <div></div><h2> Sample text </h2> <p> This is a sample text inside box1 </p> </body><br>
Jun 11, 2022

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