Students are to write a short story to show that they understand the concepts of; setting, characterization, plot and theme. Students can 'borrow' a plot from another narrative and retell it with...

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Students are to write a short story to show that they understand the concepts of; setting, characterization, plot and theme. Students can 'borrow' a plot from another narrative and retell it with their own setting, characters and theme. The story must employ a theme. It can have one of the following or another theme of the student's creation. "Love never works out for most people." "Good doesn't always triumph." "Friendship can sustain people in terrible times." "Being grateful for good things leads to happiness." "Don't give up on your dreams." The story should be at least 500 words. Correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar is expected.
Answered Same DaySep 29, 2021

Answer To: Students are to write a short story to show that they understand the concepts of; setting,...

Taruna answered on Sep 30 2021
157 Votes
God Does not Always Triumph     
“What would you do on Sunday?” Linda asked Willy. “Would you still tr
y your luck in the market? I suggest, you should better give up the idea of selling these machines. These are outdated stuff Willey and please trust me, nobody buys them any longer.” Linda’s voice had some frustration in it.
“I will go out for once and for all, then, I will move on and will try out something new in business.” Willy replied as if, to convince his wife. Well, Linda’s disappointed voice was not new to him; since last five years, this ‘single couple’ was trying to survive in New Mexico. By ‘single couple’—to some it might sound odd—I mean here that the couple had two great sons but their greatness was too great to accommodate their parents with them who were old now. The sons were settled in New York and barely paid a visit to their...

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