Students are required to prepare for submission an individual Health Promotion Project relating to a health issue affecting (or putting at risk) elderly members of the community XXXXXXXXXXwords)...

Students are required to prepare for submission an individual Health Promotion Project relating to a health issue affecting (or putting at risk) elderly members of the community. (1500 words) Develop a Health Promotion intervention to raise knowledge and awareness amongst a targeted elderly population in Singapore and enhance a behavioural change. Students may plan the multidisciplinary intervention for the community setting or the acute care setting. Students are required to.. • Propose a health promotion intervention based on a recognised need identifiable in a targeted community • Identify an elderly target group detailing where and how the target group will be sourced from the community. • Research the literature to support the proposal based on best evidence, providing statistics and comparative material from good quality academic sources • Plan the multidisciplinary intervention – give detail as to where the work will take place and what format /structure it will take • Explore resources required to support the proposal including, staffing, training, equipment etc • Evaluate and make recommendations Students should follow the detailed marking criteria to guide their work and must submit the work via Turnitin at the specified time and date detailed in the unit outline. FAIL PASS CREDIT DISTINCTION FINAL MARK Presentation & academic writing: • Cover sheet included, plus word count – 1500 word limit - intext citations included in total - +/- 10% accepted. • Follows report format with logical/clear flow - students are advised to use sub headings provided here. • Correct spelling/grammar and academic writing standard Referencing • APA 6 style – in and end text • Quality current references (within 10 years) which support your proposal and based on best evidence - 10 references min • All sections of the work should be well referenced 0 - 4 5-6 7-8 9-10 /5 /5 Introduction: • Clear and relevant aim with clear objectives – e.g. What behavioural change does this paper hope to achieve, why and how? 0-2 3 4 5 /5 Background, significance and planned project: Describes how the proposal has been identified – Identify a community need/national need and- support by local statistics if available as well as comparisons to health promotion work in other places particularly Australia. • Has the need for intervention been identified by a health professional /members of the multidisciplinary team; expressed by a particular group that already exists or a comparative observation that a particular health promotion work is available in some areas of the community/nation but not in another. • Clearly describe the target group - and where and how you will source this group – ensure the group selected is pertinent to the need identified 0-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 /5 /5 Discussion: Intervention (How?) Describes how project will be implemented & promoted to target Community : This should consider the detail of the planned intervention, talks, brochures, education sessions etc, how often and where etc; Will there be advance surveying, focus groups, questionnaires, advertising etc How will the sessions be planned and delivered. • Indentify the role of the multidisciplinary team in the proposal: identify key partners that need to be involved, consider training that may be required, consider voluntary and support groups. How will you liaise and network these groups. • Resources: Consider briefly the resources you may need to support your work - community resources such as location for the work and availability throughout the period of the work. Availability of telephones, computers etc Consider and recognise that this may involve costs. You do not need to do a costing but identify the resources that you may need. 0-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 /5 /5 Evaluation and recommendation: What do you hope to achieve in the project? What behavioural change is anticipate? Explain the expected value of the work and whether you anticipate the work being expanded. How will you identify if there is a behaviour change etc . How will you evaluate the work you have done – follow up survey, focus group ? 0-2 3 4 5 /5 TOTAL: 40

Oct 07, 2019

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