Student Assessment Guide BSBCUS401 Coordinate Implementation Customer Service Strategies Intellectual Property Statement VET Fair (ABN XXXXXXXXXXis a provider of educational products and services for...

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Student Assessment Guide BSBCUS401 Coordinate Implementation Customer Service Strategies Intellectual Property Statement VET Fair (ABN 44 983 956 589) is a provider of educational products and services for the vocational education and training (VET) sector. By purchasing the ‘BSBCUS401 Coordinate Implementation Customer Service Strategies’ assessment resources (“Product”), you are entitled to use it for educational purposes only, but the intellectual property remains with VET Fair. This Product includes the following components: • Assessor Guide • Student Assessment Guide • Student Assessment Workbook • any other material to support the implementation of the Product (e.g. policy and procedures, templates, etc.). VET Fair owns all copyright to the Product as subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. This purchase grants you a non-exclusive, perpetual, non-sublicensable, and non-shareable right to use and contextualise this Product. You have the right to distribute unlimited copies of this Product to your students or internal staff, limited to only for educational purposes; however, you must not: a) reproduce this Product or produce other assessment resources based on this Product b) share this Product with any other external person or entity other than your students and internal staff through physical or electronic including online access c) use this Product for any other purposes than education (e.g. assessing student competency, conducting validation and moderation activities, etc.) d) resell this Product to any party of individual e) use this Product without affixing the following statement in each copy of a modified, adapted, customised or contextualised version of this Product that is distributed electronically or in a physical format to your target learner audience: “The assessment activities and information in this guide are derived from BSBCUS401 Coordinate Implementation Customer Service Strategies assessment resources provided by VET Fair. VET Fair owns all copyright to this information and the intellectual property of this resource remains with VET Fair.” Breaches of this copyright will result in VET Fair claiming for loss of sales. Table of Contents Assessment Information 1 Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions 3 Question 1 3 Question 2 3 Question 3 3 Assessment Event 2: Sloth College Simulation 5 Task 1: Advise on customer service needs 5 1.1 Review documents on customer service 5 1.2 Analyse documents 5 1.3 Identify strategies to improve customer service 7 1.4 Present advice to improve customer service 7 Task 2: Support implementation on customer service strategies 9 2.1 Prioritise strategies to address customer service problems 9 2.2 Develop budget to support customer service strategies 9 2.3 Seek approval to implement customer service strategies 9 2.4 Support implementation of customer service strategies 9 Task 3: Evaluate and report on customer service 10 3.1 Review client satisfaction with customer service strategies 10 3.2 Identify and report additional changes to customer service strategies 10 3.3 Maintain systems, records and reporting procedures 10 Appendix A: Sloth College Simulation 12 Sloth College Simulation Background 12 Simulation Phases 12 Your Role in the Simulation 14 Phase 1: 14 Phase 2: 14 Phase 3: 14 Assessment Conditions for the Observation 15 Appendix B: Observation Check Sheet 16 BSBCUS401 Student Assessment Guide v1.0 Page 1 Assessment Information Welcome to your Student Assessment Guide for BSBCUS401 Coordinate Implementation Customer Service Strategies. This Guide provides you with information on the assessment particularly what you have to do and to what level of performance. This assessment has the following two events: Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions There are three questions that will provide us with evidence of your general knowledge of principles and techniques with customer service. This assessment is completed in your own time and by a submission date provided by your Assessor. You may use support material in the development of your responses, but you must indicate the source. In addition, you must not ‘cut and paste’ content from your source, rather, use your words, unless it is a direct quote. Assessment Event 2 – Simulation: Sloth College You will complete a number of tasks that will provide us with evidence of your skills with analysing customer service data and developing, implementing and evaluating customer service strategies. These tasks will be based on your role of Project Officer in a simulation with an organisation that delivers and assesses the Diploma of Business. To complete the Simulation, you will need to refer to the following resources: Policies and Procedures for Customer Service This document is used in Task 1.1 where you review the approach taken by the organisation with customer service. Budget Plan Template This document is used in Task 2.2 where you plan the expenses for delivering customer service. February Data This folder is used in Task 1.1 where you review the current performance with the Trainer, Student Support Officer, materials, informal feedback from staff and students, attendance records March Data This folder is used in Task 3.1 where you review new data on performance with the Trainer, Student Support Officer, materials and attendance records Remember, you do not type your responses in this Student Assessment Guide, but use the Student Assessment Workbook, which is a separate document. This document is simply a guide to explain what you are required to do, and by doing so, this will assist you to perform at your best. Please note that your responses for both assessment events can (where appropriate) use dot point format. See below for an example of a dot point response and a full sentence response. Dot point format Presentation Plan includes the following: • outcomes • needs of the audience • context. BSBCUS401 Student Assessment Guide v1.0 Page 2 Full sentence format When you are preparing for a Presentation, there are a number of tasks that must be carried out. These are; listing the outcomes that you want to achieve, followed by the identification of the needs of your audience. When you have completed these two tasks, you then check on the room you will be conducting the simulation in etc. Performance required • complete all of the questions and tasks listed in the Student Assessment Workbook • meet all the requirements listed in this Student Assessment Guide • your responses to the questions and tasks must be relevant, accurate and specific • submit your completed Student Assessment Workbook to your Assessor within the set timeframes • your work must be in your own words • where you use an external source of information, you must provide citation. Please be aware that your Assessor is here to provide you with the necessary support throughout the assessment process. If you have questions, then contact them for guidance. BSBCUS401 Student Assessment Guide v1.0 Page 3 Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions The information contained in this assessment event lists the questions that you will need to develop a written response. These questions are theoretical and provide evidence of your understanding of principles and techniques used in customer service. Each question includes the requirements which indicate what you have to do and the depth of your response to achieve a satisfactory result. Question 1 Outline the principles of customer service. R 1. describe three principles of customer service R 2. word count is approximately 30 words. Question 2 Using the table below, explain sources of information and techniques for identifying customer needs and reviewing customer satisfaction. R 1. provide two examples of sources of information for customer needs R 2. provide two examples of techniques to be used in customer needs: R 3. provide one additional example for reviewing customer satisfaction R 4. word count was approximately 50 words. Source of information Techniques Identifying customer needs Reviewing customer satisfaction Question 3 In the table below, describe product/service standards and best practice models R 1. list and explain three legal requirement related to customer service: • include the correct title and date of their primary legislations and legislative instruments • summarise the key provision of each requirement • provide an example of its application R 2. word count is approximately 50 words. Standards Explanation Example as a best practice model BSBCUS401 Student Assessment Guide v1.0 Page 4 BSBCUS401 Student Assessment Guide v1.0 Page 5 Assessment Event 2: Sloth College Simulation In this assessment, you will undertake a number of tasks associated with reviewing customer service levels and implementing improvement strategies for Sloth College. In this simulation you will perform the following actions: • advise on customer service needs • support the implementation of customer service strategies • evaluate and report on customer service strategies. Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with this set of requirements that underpin this simulation. This includes understanding the background of the simulation and the criteria you will be assessed on. These are located in the Appendix of this document. Task 1: Advise on customer service needs In this task, you will review the documentation on customer service in the organisation and clarify your understanding with the Manager of Operations. You will then diagnose the problems with the current approach to customer service then present advice on improvements. 1.1 Review documents on customer service R 1. review the documents on customer service in the organisation: • list a minimum of five features with service delivery • listed five key concerns raised in the student box from customers • produce Excel graphs on attendance, Trainer, Student Support Officer and Materials data • list four key concerns that arose from the focus group with customers (refer focus group results) R 2. list a minimum of two issues that require clarification R 3. send an email to the Manager of Operations requesting clarification on issues R 4. on receipt of feedback from Manager (where required), modify your understanding R 5. word count was not critical. 1.2 Analyse documents R 1. analyse the customer service documents: • using the table, list and describe a minimum of six current problems • problems must specify areas of delivery problems R 2. using the table, provide a minimum of two root causes for each problem R 2. word count is approximately 200 words. Problems with customer service Root cause
Answered Same DaySep 03, 2021BSBCUS401Training.Gov.Au

Answer To: Student Assessment Guide BSBCUS401 Coordinate Implementation Customer Service Strategies...

Swati answered on Sep 07 2021
143 Votes
Student Assessment Workbook

Coordinate Implementation of Customer Service Strategies

    Student Full Name:
    Student ID:
    Date Submitted:

Assessment Information
Welcome to your Student Assessment Workbook for BSBCUS401 Coordinate Implementation of Customer Service Strategies.
This Student Assessment Workbook is where you will write all your responses for the knowledge questions and simulation tasks. Please refer to the Student Assessment Guide for more information.
This assessment has the following two events:
    Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions:
    There are three questions that will provide us with evidence of your general knowledge of principles and techniques with customer service.

    Assessment Event 2 – Simulation: Sloth College
    You will complete a number of tasks that will provide us with evidence of your skills with analysing customer service data and developing, implem
enting and evaluating customer service strategies. These tasks will be based on your role of Project Officer in a simulation with an organisation that delivers and assesses the Diploma of Business.
To complete the Simulation, you will need to refer to the following resources:
    Policies and Procedures for Customer Service
    This document is used in Task 1.1 where you review the approach taken by the organisation with customer service.
Budget Plan Template
This document is used in Task 2.2 where you plan the expenses for delivering customer service.
February Data
This folder is used in Task 1.1 where you review the current performance with the Trainer, Student Support Officer, materials, informal feedback from staff and students, attendance records
March Data
This folder is used in Task 3.1 where you review new data on performance with the
Trainer, Student Support Officer, materials and attendance records
Please note that your responses for both assessment events can (where appropriate) use dot point format. See below an example of a dot point response and a full sentence response.
    Dot point format
    Presentation Plan includes the following:
· outcomes
· needs of the audience
· context.
    Full sentence format
    When you are preparing for a presentation, there are a number of tasks that must be carried out. These are listing the outcomes that you want to achieve, followed by the identification of the needs of your audience. When you have completed these two tasks you then check on the room that you will be conducting the presentation in.
To Achieve Competence
To be deemed competent for this unit, you will need to meet the following requirements:
· complete all of the questions and tasks listed in the Student Assessment Workbook
· meet all the requirements listed in this Student Assessment Guide
· your responses to the questions and tasks must be relevant, accurate and specific
· submit your completed Student Assessment Workbook to your Assessor within the set timeframes
· your work must be in your own words
· where you use an external source of information, you must provide citation.
Pre-assessment Checklist
Your assessor will go through the assessment for this unit, BSBCUS401 Coordinate Implementation of Customer Service Strategies. It is important that you understand this assessment before taking on the questions and tasks. To confirm that you have been given this overview, we ask you to complete the following Pre-Assessment Checklist.
You are required to carefully read each checklist item provided below and tick either ‘Y’ to confirm your understanding or ‘N’ if you disagree. In case you disagree with an item, please provide your reason under the ‘Comments’ column.
When you have done this, we ask you to sign this Pre-Assessment Checklist. This acknowledges that your Trainer/Assessor has discussed all of the information with you prior to undertaking this assessment.
    Pre – assessment Checklist
    Y 
     N
    I, the student, understand the purpose of the assessment.
    Y 
     N
    I understand when and where the assessment will occur, who will assess and in what format the assessment will be submitted.
    Y 
     N
    I understand the methods of assessment.
    Y 
     N
    I understand what resources are required to complete this assessment.
    Y 
     N
    I understand the performance level required for each assessment event.
    Y 
     N
    I understand that it must be my own work. I have been explained and understand the serious consequences in case this work is found plagiarised.
    Y 
     N
    I understand the process if I am deemed not yet competent.
    Y 
     N
    I understand the feedback process and the appeals process.
    Y 
     N
    The assessor has discussed with me if I have any special needs and if so what arrangements have been made.

    Student Full Name          Student ID          Student Signature          Date
Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions
The information contained in this section lists the questions that you will need to develop a written response. These questions are theoretical and provide evidence of your understanding of principles and techniques used in customer service. Each question includes the requirements which indicate what you have to do and the depth of your response to achieve a satisfactory result.
Note you must answer these questions in your own words. Remember, you must get a satisfactory result with each question to be deemed satisfactory for the whole of Assessment Event 1.
Question 1
Outline the principles of customer service.
· Close service gap- Build knowledge about needs and expectations of customers.
· Build loyalty- Reduce customer effort while shopping.
· Prevent customer’s leaving- Solving problem in friendly single conversation.

Question 2
Using the table below, explain sources of information and techniques for identifying customer needs and reviewing customer satisfaction.
Write your response into the table:
    Source of information
    Identifying customer needs
     Existing data
     Review past surveys, interviews, and customer support call logs.
     SWOT (Primary research)
     Analyzing competition
    Reviewing customer satisfaction
     Feedback form
     In-app survey/Post service survey
     Ratings from customer
    Customer satisfaction score

Question 3
In the table below, describe product/service standards and best practice models.
Write your response into the table:
    Example as a best practice model
     Sale of goods act, 1979
     It covers all goods that are bought from a company, rented or purchased in any way by a consumer.
    Deftly manage customer expectations
    Health and safety at work act, 1974
    This act sets out specific things which employers must do to make the workplace safe for their employees
    Hire right people and treat them well
    Data protection act, 1998
    State the information that needs to be protected by companies
    Collect as much as data u can and use it.

Assessment Event 2 – Sloth College Simulation
In this assessment, you will undertake a number of tasks associated with reviewing customer service levels and implementing improvement strategies for Sloth College.
Task 1: Advise on customer service needs
In this task, you will review the documentation on customer service in the organisation and clarify your understanding with the Manager of Operations. You will then diagnose the problems with the current approach to customer service then present advice on improvements.
1.1 Review documents on customer service
Features with service delivery-
· Client and supplier coordination, systematic validation along with commitment to provide assessment and training as required.
· Quality assurance which can be achieved by monitoring and evaluation systematically.
· Commitment to provide accurate information and protection to customers.
· Informing customers about any third party involved in training and assessment (service of delivery).
· Acknowledgment and dealing with appeals and complaints efficiently, effectively as well as fairly.
Concerns raised by customers in student box-
· Incompatible staff who are temporary and part time
· Failure to provide information and lack of dealing with appeal.
· Poor quality check as well as unfair assessment.
· Wrong and misleading website information regarding qualified trainers as well as library.
· No customer support as committed.
Student feedback on training and assessing material
Key concerns-
· Highly dissatisfied customers.
· Incompetent trainer.
· Poor facilities and customer services.
· Insufficient infrastructure and human resources.
Issues requiring clarification-
· Misleading information on website.
· Quality assurance check.
· Systematic validation.
Mail to manager of operations -
This is in context of the major issues faced by the customers leading to high dissatisfaction for which a clarification from your end is much required to proceed further. Firstly, could you please clarify why there is a gap in the information provided on the site and in actual, specifically about trainers and library? Websites states highly qualified trainers whereas the qualification doesn’t match the requirement in actual. Also, a well established library is mentioned on website whereas actually it just have 3 books which...

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